Outlying area Mierlo-Oost

This is an old post.

We are currently preparing a so-called structural vision on the future interpretation of the outlying area Mierlo-Oost. In the drawing below you can see the global area indication (orange).

area designation Mierlo-Oost

Functions area

The draft structural vision provides a development direction for the infill of the area. The following functions are foreseen for the area: a residential function, a nature function (with space for nature-inclusive extensive agriculture), a recreational function in combination with nature-inclusive extensive agriculture and various supporting functions such as traffic, greenery and water.

Mierlo-Oost structural vision not adopted

The City Council did not adopt the Mierlo-Oost structural vision on Monday, March 7, 2022. This means that the development of the transition area between Mierlo and Sang and Goorkens, with accompanying housing development, will not go ahead. The area will retain its current (agricultural) zoning.

The file will be closed and the mail address, mierlo-oost@geldrop-mierlo.nl, will be discontinued. Should you have any future questions about this file, please send them to mail address gemeente@geldrop-mierlo.nl.

Adoption of structural vision

The draft structural vision for Mierlo-Oost was available for inspection until December 9. We have received some reactions. These reactions are included in the Nota zienswijzen and weighed and involved in the final determination of the structural concept.

Attend meeting

The Structural Vision Mierlo-Oost and the reactions to it will first be explained and discussed in the Space Committee on January 24. Any comments from the committee will then be weighed and included in the final structural concept. The definitive Structural Vision Mierlo-Oost and the Note on Views will be presented to the Space Committee for adoption on February 14 and to the Council on March 7.

You can attend the relevant meetings (digitally). The council meeting calendar can be accessed via the link below. By clicking on the meeting of the relevant date you will see the agenda and a link through which the meeting can be followed.

Space Committee Feb. 14

Council meeting March 7


Following the council's decision on the basic principles, the structural vision will be further elaborated. The draft version of the vision will be available for public inspection at the end of 2021, and you will again be able to express your views on it. Once the council has definitively adopted the strategic structure agenda, the preparatory work for the zoning plan will begin. We will inform you of the next steps at a later date.


The draft structural concept is available for consultation for six weeks in the public hall of the town hall. From Friday, October 29 until Thursday, December 9 you can consult the plan in the town hall at De Meent 2 in Geldrop. From Monday to Thursday you can inspect the plan from 09.00 hours to 17.00 hours and on Friday from 09.00 hours to 12.30 hours. You can also view the plan digitally on the website www.ruimtelijkeplannen.nl, the plan has the reference NL.IMRO.1771.SVMierloOost-OW01.

Within the public participation period, anyone may submit a written response to the Municipal Executive of Geldrop-Mierlo, Postbus 10101, 5600 GA Geldrop. For an oral reaction or an explanation of the draft vision document, please make an Make an appointment with Suzanne Willems, telephone number (040) 2893 989. A response can also be submitted digitally via the website www.geldrop-mierlo.nl, under the heading 'arrange and request'.

The draft structural vision

From Friday, October 29, 2021 to December 9, 2021, the draft Mierlo-Oost structural concept will be available for public inspection for a period of six days. This structural concept deals with the interpretation of the area between the Bekelaar and the Sang in Mierlo. In the area outside Mierlo-Oost opportunities are seen to create an attractive transition area between the built-up area and the nature area Sang and Goorkens in which there is room for nature restoration and recreation supported by housing.

Consultation phase

In June and July 2021, we went through the first step, called the consultation phase. Landowners, residents and stakeholders learned about the plans and were able to give their opinions on the vision. The comments made during the consultation phase were included in the preparation of the draft structural vision.

 We are very pleased that many responses were received. These responses have been incorporated into a report. You can download it below.

Report consultation round Mierlo-Oost


On June 28, the Mierlo-Oost scenario study was presented to the City Council. You can view this presentation via this link. You can also view the document Presentation Scenario Exploration Council dated June 28, 2021.


If you have further questions about Buitengebied Mierlo-Oost, please send an email to: mierlo-oost@geldrop-mierlo.nl. You will receive a response as soon as possible.