Course or training for volunteers

What is it?

Welfare and sports organizations which already receive a subsidy from the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo can receive a subsidy for training and courses for volunteers. The condition is that these trainings and courses contribute to improving the expertise of volunteers.

The grant is 75% of the course costs up to a maximum of €750 euro per course per person. All Requirements for the subsidy for expertise promotion can be found in the Beleidsregel deskundigheidsbevordering vrijwilligers Geldrop-Mierlo.

What to do.

Press the green button below and log in to the online environment. On the second tab, choose the option "expertise promotion.

Apply for grant for training volunteers

Applications for this grant can be submitted up to six months after completion of the course. Once the municipality has received your application, we will send you a confirmation of receipt. You will receive a decision within six weeks of receiving your application.

Prefer to apply in writing?

If you prefer to apply for the grant in writing, this is also possible. You will use the paper application form for this purpose.

As attachments to your paper application, attach the following:

  • information leaflet, documentation or prospectus course;
  • registration certificate;
  • course details, start date, end date and location;
  • overview course fees;
  • summary cost of learning resources (no permanent use materials).

Send the application form with attachments, provided with signatures to or to Municipality Geldrop-Mierlo, Postbus 10101, 5660 GA Geldrop.

What does it cost?

Submitting an application is free of charge.