Make an appointment

How does it work?

Before you can stop by to request a product or service, make an appointment using the appointment form.

Make an appointment

What to do.

Fill out appointment form

In the appointment form, specify what you are making an appointment for. Choose a date and time and enter your contact information. You can schedule an appointment up to 3 weeks in advance.

Multi-person appointment

Would you like 1 Make an appointment for several people? For example, to apply for an identity card for the whole family? Then select the product 4 times at 'Number'.

Appointment for multiple products

Would you like a Make an appointment appointment for multiple products or services? Then after selecting your first product, click "I want to add another activity.

Product or service is not listed

Is the product or service you want to make an appointment for not listed in the form? Then call during office hours to make an appointment to telephone number (040) 289 38 93.

What does it cost?

Making an appointment is free of charge. Any charges for a product or service can be found on the product's page.