Support entrepreneurs

Government measures for business owners with high energy bills

Many companies from small to large are being hit hard by high energy costs. The government is taking several measures to (partially) compensate companies. Such as the TEK scheme that can be applied for retroactively from March 21, 2023 to October 2, 2023. On the website of Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland you can find more information about this and an overview of new and existing schemes.

Chamber of Commerce

The latest information on help with energy costs for entrepreneurs is on the Chamber of Commerce's Ondernemersplein website.

The Chamber of Commerce also supports entrepreneurs who are struggling. You can find lots of information and tips at: or call for a personal consultation 0800-2117.

Information leaflet sustainability and energy coaches

This handout lists all the grant programs that can help a business owner save energy.

Business owners can also use our energy coaches. During a company visit, which lasts up to an hour, you will get more insight and overview to save energy. A visit costs only 10 euros. You can register via

Werkgeversservicepunt Helmond-De Peel

The werkgeversservicepunt Helmond-De Peel (cooperation Senzer/UWV) is there for employers in our labor market region. There, advisors are ready to help entrepreneurs and look for solutions together. See As an employer in dire straits? WSP helps.

On Senzer' s website you can find information about any business capital/transfer credit or temporary benefits. They can also help you with help with debt or guidance to a regular job.

Having trouble paying municipal taxes?

You can ask the municipality for remission or a payment plan. For more information, see the page Taxes and levies, remission.

Are you also a resident of Geldrop-Mierlo?

Then check the Tailored Assistance page to see what additional measures are available to residents. During a no-obligation consultation, we will look at your personal situation together and offer customized help.

The Debt page has all the information you need about help with debt.

Still have questions?

If so, please contact one of our account managers: Giel Kantelberg, 06-52342984 or Véronique van der Zee, 06-46167765