Shopping and markets

Geldrop-Mierlo is a great place to store. On the website of Geldrop Centrum you can see which stores are open when in Geldrop. on the website of Mierlo Centrum you can see when which stores in Mierlo are open. 

Late-night shopping

The shopping night in Geldrop is on Thursday.
The shopping night in Mierlo is on Fridays.

Sunday shopping

Stores may also be open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. For current Sunday shopping , keep an eye on the websites of Geldrop Centrum and Centrum Mierlo.

Learn more about the rules around shopping hours at the Chamber of Commerce's Entrepreneur Square. 

Weekly market

In Geldrop the weekly market is every Wednesday from 11.00 to 17.00 on the Heuvel.
In Mierlo the weekly market is every Thursday morning from 9.00 to 12.30 on the Molenplein.

Shopping hours law exemption

Apply for exemption from shopping hours act

Rates from the Fees Ordinance - Chapter 6 Shopping Hours Act

The fee is for processing an application: 
To grant an exemption under the Shopping Hours Act or the Shopping Hours Act Exemptions Decree:€ 57,80
authorizing the transfer of an exemption referred to in section 3.6.1 to another€ 42,60
To revoke or modify an exemption referred to in section 3.6.1€ 42,60