Location Akert

Logo of municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo, Anna Care Group and COA

After the relocation of the former residents to new premises, it turned out that the former Akert residential care complex would be suitable for the accommodation of students and minor asylum seekers after some modifications. Two groups for which housing is very urgently needed. Vacancy is not good for the livability of the neighborhood. Nor is it appropriate to leave a property unoccupied when there is an urgent housing shortage.


After a short renovation, owner Anna Care Group leases one part of the building to Fontys. Since October 3, 2023, 46 international students and 10 coassistants live in one part of the building. Some of them go from Akert to their work location in the nearby Anna Hospital. 

Another part of the building is leased to the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Here, as of November 15, 2023, 54 unaccompanied minor aliens (boys and girls aged 15 to 17) reside. The rooms upstairs are for the boys. The girls sleep downstairs. 

This occupancy is valid until September 1, 2026. In the interim period, Anna Care Group is developing plans for a new care destination for this site.  

A congregation for all

Geldrop-Mierlo is a municipality for everyone. We want to be a municipality where everyone gets the chance to develop and work towards a bright future. These are important principles from the municipality's 'Objectives Agreement 2022 - 2026'.

With the temporary accommodation at location Akert of international students, coassistants and minor asylum seekers, we are housing a young generation that is building a future. These are also groups for which the government is urgently seeking housing. Based on the Spreidingswet, Geldrop-Mierlo should accommodate about 230 asylum seekers. The municipality wants to take its responsibility, because we are committed to the reception of asylum seekers. 

Call for volunteers

For the unaccompanied minors, COA organizes activities in the reception facility. In order to integrate into our society, an effort is made to have the unaccompanied minors also participate in activities that take place in the immediate area. Do you have a nice idea or are you a representative of an association and do you see opportunities to organize an activity in which the new residents can participate? Then send an email to geldroppoa@coa.nl with your name and what you would like to do for the young people.


The location can be reached day and night to report nuisances and incidents.
Via 06 29 085 167, the residential location can be reached 24 hours, 7 days a week.

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