Renouncing Dutch nationality

What is it?

When you want to renounce Dutch nationality, you can make a declaration at the municipality. By doing so, you relinquish the right to a Dutch passport. If you renounce Dutch citizenship, your minor children will also lose Dutch citizenship. Unless your partner retains the Dutch nationality.

What to do.

Make an appointment

A waiver must be made in person. Only if physical or mental causes make it impossible for you to come, can you authorize someone to make the declaration on your behalf.

  • The municipality reviews your statement made in accordance with applicable regulations and determines whether your statement has legal effect.
  • If your declaration results in a change of nationality, this will be changed in the Basic Registration of PersonsBRP) based on the declaration made.

How does it work?

You can only waive if:

  • you are of age
  • you have dual nationality

What do I need?

  • your valid ID
  • all travel documents in your possession
  • proof that you hold another nationality in addition to Dutch citizenship

Additional information

You can also lose your Dutch nationality in other ways:

  • You have voluntarily changed your nationality.
  • You committed fraud in an application to become a Dutch citizen by option or naturalization. You will then lose your Dutch nationality.
  • You have been convicted of a crime against the Dutch state. You will then lose your Dutch nationality.