WasteAll information about waste in Geldrop-Mierlo in one place. Waste Policy Here you will find everything about the municipality's waste policy.Waste containersEvery house (except high-rise buildings) has a green container for GFT waste and a gray container for residual waste.Waste taxYou contribute to the collection and processing of household waste. You will receive an assessment for this. Look here for more information.Waste calendarSee when Cure Waste Management collects your waste from your home. Leaf CollectorsThe municipality places leaf baskets in which you can collect the leaves.CircularityHere you can find all information about circularity within the municipality.Municipal PassLook here for more information about the municipal pass, you will need it when you visit the environmental site.Crown ring for PBD waste bagsRequest a crown ring to hang your trash bags containing Plastic Cans and Drinking Cartons.My WasteLook here to view your municipal tax data regarding waste.Environmental streetSee where to dispose of your unusual waste here.