What is it?

A home business can be divided into two categories:

Service as a home-related profession

It involves the provision of services in a dwelling and/or associated outbuildings. The services are administrative, legal, medical, therapeutic, artistic, design or similar. No exemption from the zoning plan is required for this. However, the Requirements must be met.

Home body care profession

A body care profession (at home and/or in an associated outbuilding) such as a beautician, nail stylist, pedicurist or similar professions. This requires an exemption from the zoning plan.

Barbershops are not a body-care profession. They may establish themselves only if the zoning plan allows it.

How does it work?

  • A home-related profession is permitted only as a secondary activity to the residential function. The size may not exceed 30% of the combined floor area of the buildings up to a maximum of 50 m2.
  • The use must not adversely affect traffic or cause a parking problem.
  • The activity must be environmentally compatible with the residential environment.
  • the activity must be conducted by the resident.
  • Retail is not allowed.

What does it cost?


 ProductRate the zoning plan or the administrative regulation is departed from with the application of Article 2.12, first paragraph, under a, under 1º, of the Wabo (inner plan deviation):
 When this activity is combined with or without the activity of building and the estimated building costs are less than € 5.000,00 then the fees for planning permission are