Soil contamination removal

What is it?

If you own a piece of land and soil tests show that the soil is contaminated, you must have it cleaned up. Only officially approved companies are allowed to remove soil contamination.

How does it work?

You have a so-called duty of care. This means that you must prevent soil contamination and remove any contamination as soon as possible and completely. On the Map of the Soil Counter you can see what the soil status is in your street.


You may also be liable for soil contamination caused by someone else. The original polluter is liable. There is a 30-year term for this. After 30 years, you are liable for removing the soil pollution. This applies even if the original polluter can no longer be identified.

What to do.

  • If you discover that your soil is contaminated, you must report it to the municipality or province.
  • You must have contaminated soil cleaned by a licensed company. Ask the municipality which companies you can hire to do this.

Soil testing

  • If you are buying a house or a piece of land, it is important to check with the municipality beforehand about any soil contamination.
  • Ask your broker or appraiser for advice on whether additional soil testing is necessary. Also ask if an oil tank has ever been placed in the ground. Most contamination in private land comes from an oil tank in the yard.
  • If you are going to build or remodel, you must have a soil survey done. You will need this survey with your application for the environmental permit to build or remodel.

What do I need?

  • the results of the soil investigation
  • A plan of how you will have the soil contamination removed