Exemption to place object on or at the road

What is it?

A construction skeleton or a container can be handy during a remodel. But you are not always allowed to place (or have placed) an obstacle on the public road. If you want to use municipal land, you need permission from the municipality.

What to do.

Requesting exemption for placing objects on, on or above the roadway

Without a permit, reportable

Containers, air pipes and election stands may be placed, in principle, permit-free. Because no permit is required, you are responsible. However, a notification requirement does apply. This can be done with the customer advisor permits, Service Department, both by phone and by e-mail.

An exemption is required if

You will be placing objects other than those mentioned above. For example, an aerial work platform. You ask the municipality if you may use the land. When doing so, provide the following information:

  • What you want to use the land for.
  • From when to when you want to use the land.

How does it work?

If the municipality agrees, you may use the land. However, the municipality remains the owner of the land.

A fee is charged to apply for a waiver.

What do I need?

A situation sketch of the land.

How long does it take?

You will receive a response to your application within 8 weeks.