Neighborhood Prevention

Many neighborhood prevention groups are active in our municipality. Residents of streets, neighborhoods or districts who participate in these groups actively contribute to the safety and livability of the neighborhood. As a municipality, we welcome active neighborhood residents and want to support these initiatives wholeheartedly.

Forms of neighborhood prevention

Also in Geldrop-Mierlo we have different forms of neighborhood prevention. For example, both digital neighborhood prevention groups have emerged that are affiliated with WhatsApp Neighborhood Prevention, Nextdoor and Safe Neighborhood, for example. Through an app group, residents can inform each other about suspicious things. In addition, there are also some neighborhood prevention teams with local residents active who also meet physically to walk a round through the neighborhood. It is up to residents themselves to choose the form that best suits their wishes and ideas for a safe neighborhood.

WhatsApp Neighborhood Prevention Foundation

As a municipality, we advise digital neighborhood prevention groups to join the WABP Foundation. Joining this foundation makes the neighborhood prevention group visible and findable for new residents, for example.
On the website of WABP is a lot of information about digital neighborhood prevention. For example, you can see where in our municipality neighborhood prevention groups are already active and how you can join them. But also how the WhatsApp Neighborhood Prevention works, how you as an administrator can start a new group and what rules you can think of.


Do you have questions about neighborhood prevention, your existing neighborhood prevention group or would you like to start your own neighborhood prevention group? Then contact the area director from your neighborhood! You can find the area directors' contact information on the area work page or contact