TONK (for individuals)
Many people are struggling financially right now. The corona measures have eliminated jobs and entrepreneurs are unable to perform their jobs or only partially. As a result, many people have less income than before. Therefore, they may be struggling to pay their housing costs. To help them temporarily, there is the TONK.
Temporary Support Necessary Costs (TONK).
TONK is a one-time payment for residents who, as a result of corona measures, have a lot less income than last year. And have problems paying for housing costs because of this. It concerns the rent or the mortgage. It is a one-time amount of 1,750 or 3,000 euros per household. The amount depends, for example, on how high the housing costs are. The TONK can be applied for until October 1, 2021 at the latest. Are you an entrepreneur and do you have a Tozo benefit? Then the TONK can be a supplement to this.
Requirements: I am eligible for the TONK if
- I (and my partner) had more than 25% less income in January 2021 than in January 2020
- This is due to the corona measures
- I am the main tenant or owner of the property in which I live
- The cost of rent (including service charges and deduction of rent allowance) or mortgage (interest + repayment) together is at least X percentage of my income. The minimum percentage can be between 35 and 60 percent. It depends on income and family situation.
How do I apply for the TONK?
To apply for the TONK benefit, complete the digital application form on the Senzer website. You log in securely using your own DigiD environment.