Expired travel document

According to our records, your travel document expires in the next few months. Please check your travel document for the exact expiration date.
We expect a peak in 2024 regarding travel document applications. We are therefore writing to you now so that you can make an appointment to renew your travel document in time. It is possible that it may take longer before you can come to us.
To apply for a new travel document, make an appointment via our website or our phone number 040-2893893.

What are you taking?

  • All travel documents in possession, even if expired
  • 1 passport photo in color: straight from the front, slightly even background (blue, gray or white)
  • Bij aanvraag van identiteitskaart: toestemming voor kinderen < 12 jaar.
  • Bij aanvraag van paspoort: toestemming voor kinderen < 18 jaar.
  • Consent is given online with digid or by signing the written form with valid identification, consent must be given by all custodial parent(s).

The applicant must be present in person (regardless of age).

Please note that you must pay at the time of application. The cost in 2024 is:

Passport valid for 10 years (persons 18 years and older)€ 83,87
Passport valid for 5 years (persons up to 18 years old)€ 63,42
Identity card valid for 10 years (persons 18 years and older)€ 75,80
Identity card valid for 5 years (persons up to 18 years of age)€ 40,92
Emergency travel document application  € 57,09

Your travel document will be ready after 5 business days. In an urgent procedure, it takes 1 to 2 business days.