The municipality is obliged to collect and process household waste from its citizens. The policy is to separate waste materials as much as possible. In addition, the polluter pays principle applies.

Diftar system in garbage collection (waste collection fee)

Flat fee

Geldrop-Mierlo works with a system of rate differentiation (Diftar). The waste collection charge consists of two parts, a fixed and a variable rate. The first part of the waste disposal fee - the so-called fixed fee - is the same for everyone. Every household pays the fixed fee, regardless of whether or not the household uses the garbage service. This fee includes a number of fixed costs, such as the costs for the environmental street, purchase of (underground) containers, collection of glass, paper, PBD (Plastic packaging, Cans and Drinking cartons), and so on.


The second part of the waste collection fee is variable. We charge an amount for each time the container is emptied. Once a year (at the end of February) you will receive a statement.

View all rates on the Garbage Levy page.

Waste collection organization

The municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo collects household waste together with the municipalities of Eindhoven and Valkenswaard. This is carried out by Cure Afvalbeheer

Separating waste

See in this waste separation chart what can be thrown away together and where each type of waste is handled by the municipality. You can also find more information about waste separation at

Plastic Packaging, Cans and Drinking Packs (PBD).

Cure Afvalbeheer collects Plastic packaging, Cans and Drinking cartons (PBD) door-to-door every 2 weeks. On the waste calendar you can see when the garbage bags will be collected in your street. You can place the full garbage bags in the usual location of the green or gray container before 7:30 a.m. on the collection day. People with an underground Waste container can offer the bags on the collection day (see waste calendar) near the underground Waste container (not on the metal plate). Bags may not be placed at the road before the collection day. The plastic bags for the PBD waste are provided free of charge at the town hall in Geldrop, at the environmental street at Industriepark 8 and at the information desk of Albert Heijn, Nettorama, Jumbo (Geldrop) and the Plus (Mierlo).

What can and cannot go with PBD waste? 

Not everything made of plastic should go with the PBD. To know what can and cannot go with it, there is a handy rule of thumb. Ask yourself the following questions:
1. Is it packaging?
2. Is it empty?
3. Is it from the kitchen or bathroom? 

3x YES? Then it's allowed at PBD.
Want to know more about PBD?

Supervision by BOA's

If you report a nuisance caused by garbage, it will be checked by a BOA (special municipal investigating officer). If a BOA finds a violation, he can draw up an official report. This also applies to dumping household garbage in the municipality's garbage bins.

Litter Working Group

In Geldrop and Mierlo a large group of volunteers cleans up a lot of litter throughout the year. This is the litter working group. Check the website of IVN Geldrop and IVN Mierlo for more information.


The BeestenBende is designed for children ages 6 to 11. They help keep their neighborhood clean. At least once a month, the children work in teams to clean up their own neighborhood. For more information, visit the Beestenbende website.

Learn more

Do you have a question or want more information about the waste policy? View the waste separation chart or then contact Yasmine Bal at telephone number (040) 289 38 93.

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