Housing Policy

In the housing policy, the municipality makes choices on a variety of housing topics, such as locations for new construction, distribution of housing space, agreements with housing associations and making housing more sustainable.

Housing Vision Urban Area Eindhoven

The municipality of Geldrop - Mierlo together with eight other municipalities forms the Urban Area Eindhoven (SGE). In 2019, the municipal councils approved the Vision of Housing SGE.pdf (3 MB). Employment in the region is growing, there is a positive migration balance and households are getting smaller. As a result, there is increasing demand for housing. The SGE is committed to accelerating housing production while maintaining quality and sufficient affordable housing. Another important task is to make the existing housing stock sustainable and lifelong-proof. The regional vision will be further elaborated in the municipal visions. 

Housing Vision Geldrop-Mierlo

In 2020, the City Council adopted a new housing vision.pdf (3 MB) for the period 2020 - 2028.

Housing Associations

In the municipality, three housing corporations own homes: Woonbedrijf, Wooninc. and Compaen. The municipality has made performance agreements with them. Tenants' associations are also involved in these agreements. These agreements concern, among other things, availability, affordability and sustainability. The agreements can be found in the documents below.


There is one urgency scheme for social housing in Geldrop-Mierlo and other surrounding municipalities within the SGE. This scheme is intended as a safety net for people who have found themselves in a distressing emergency situation and urgently need priority housing. Because we have a joint scheme, the same rules for obtaining urgency (priority for housing) apply in these municipalities. Housing associations work together to implement the urgency scheme. Read more about an urgency declaration or visit the website www.wooniezie.nl.


Increasing livability is a spearhead of the municipality. It does this through district-oriented work, in which the input of residents is very important.

Residential nuisance

The municipality cooperates with the police, housing corporations and social services, among others. The municipality has a hotline for complaints about, for example, dog nuisance or residential nuisance. You can make your report using the form Report Public Space. You can also call 040 289 38 93 during office hours.

Policy choices theme Housing

On December 9, 2024, the City Council adopted new policy choices for the topic of Housing. This memorandum represents an important step in achieving a future-proof housing market. Over the past year, many residents and important parties in the housing market have given their opinions on housing in our municipality and where the priorities should lie. Thank you for that because we will continue to work with these principles in 2025!

Key themes

The focus of the policy is on achieving sufficient affordable housing, promoting sustainability and strengthening livability. The municipality is committed to building and preserving affordable and appropriate housing for all target groups, with specific attention to seniors and people with care needs. Innovative housing forms, the improvement of through-flow opportunities and the creation of varied living environments that promote social cohesion will receive extra attention.

Omgevingsvisie / Vision Geldrop-Mierlo 2044

Environmental Vision