Welfare policy
Welfare rules for our residents have been further expanded and a larger area has been made welfare-free.
More welfare free
An exception to the stand means that no stand requirements apply and that the building plan does not have to be submitted to the Environmental Quality Advisory Committee. The other components are tested, such as the zoning plan and the building regulations. With the new Welstandnota, 80% of the municipality's territory is now free of building standards. In the previous memorandum this was only a very limited part of the territory. If you have building or renovation plans, you can use this Welstandsnota to quickly see whether you will be subject to a welstand assessment. There is no Wstand assessment if the building location falls within the Wstand-free area. Even if an area is welfare-free, there are still area criteria for each address in our municipality that you can use when developing your building plan. Thus, these are no longer mandatory for the standards-free areas, but can now serve as a reference.
Both permit-free and license-free?
For a number of activities, the government has indicated that they do not require an environmental permit, and therefore do not require a standards test. In four cases there are special requirements that the activity is not free of building standards if a building standards test applies in the area where the activity takes place. Because a larger part of the municipality is now welfare-free, these objects/activities will also become environmental permit-free.
An example:
Om te weten of uw bouwwerk naast welstandsvrij ook omgevingsvergunningvrij is, kunt u op https://omgevingswet.overheid.nl/ een vergunningcheck doen.
Hieruit kan de volgende uitkomst komen:
U heeft de check gedaan voor <bouwactiviteit>.
De uitkomst hiervan is: ' Bouwen: Omgevingsvergunningplichtig, tenzij er voor de locatie waar u wilt bouwen geen welstandseisen gelden. Neem bij twijfel contact op met de gemeente voor meer informatie’. Als u dit bouwplan op een locatie wilt realiseren die ligt in een welstandsvrij gebied, dan is daarvoor geen omgevingsvergunning nodig. U moet zich dan wel tijdens het bouwen houden aan de maten die u tijdens het invullen van de vergunningcheck heeft ingevoerd.
Welstand note
Image quality plans
For larger developments, we create image quality plans. They are intended as inspiration, describes the desired image quality of the buildings and outdoor space and contains testable criteria.
Environmental Quality Advisory Committee
The Environmental Quality Advisory Committee is an independent advisory committee that advises the municipality on permit applications for building, remodeling and monuments. It used to be called the 'Welstandscommission'. The city council has included criteria in the Welstandsnota for assessing building plans against 'reasonable standards of appearance'. Visual quality plans are often drawn up for new residential areas. These then serve as a framework for the welstand assessment by the Environmental Quality Advisory Committee.
Learn more
Do you have a question or would you like more information about the welfare policy? Then contact Joop van der Vleut by calling 040 289 38 93.