Paid Parking
Parking in Mierlo
In Mierlo you can park for free in almost all places. Only at Huize Bethanië/Doctors Center on Heer van Scherpenzeelweg do you need a parking disc (blue zone). Read more about parking in the blue zone.
Parking in Geldrop
In the center of Geldrop you can park for free at a number of parking lots. You can do this behind the post office, behind the town hall on De Meent, behind the Weaving Museum and on the parking lot near the castle. The parking lot near the police station and part of the parking lot De Meent is a parking disc zone (blue zone).
At other locations in the center of Geldrop you have to pay. You pay from Monday to Saturday, from 9 am to 6 pm.
The rate for parking is € 0.90 per hour, with a maximum rate of € 6.- per day. The second hour is free. The free second hour obviously does not apply if there is a restriction on the maximum allowed parking time of one hour. Here you can park for a maximum of one hour. Locations with parking duration restrictions include Bogardeind and Langstraat and are indicated on the pay machine and in your parking app.
Read more about (paid) parking in the parking policy. The map shows where you can park in the center of Geldrop.
Download Map paid parking Center Geldrop (July 2019) here.
Parking hospital St. Anna
The parking lot of St. Anna Hospital does not belong to the municipality. Different parking times and rates apply here. For more information, visit the St. Anna Hospital website.
Free guarded bicycle parking in Geldrop
In the parking lot Behind the Church, next to the Albert Heijn store, you will find the free bicycle parking area. The parking lot is always open. There is surveillance Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and during events
Public transportation
Buses to Geldrop or Mierlo
- Line 24 runs between Eindhoven station and Helmond station with stops in Geldrop and Mierlo.
- Line 320 runs between Eindhoven station and Helmond station (via Lierop, Someren and Asten) and stops at a number of places in Geldrop and Mierlo.
- Line 324 runs between Eindhoven station and Geldrop Coevering.
You can find the stops and the recent timetable on the Bravo website.
- Neighborhood bus line 257 goes from Geldrop St. Anna hospital to Valkenswaard, via Heeze and Leende.
- Neighborhood bus line 260 goes from Geldrop St. Anna hospital to Best station, via Nuenen and Son.
- Neighborhood bus line 266 goes from Geldrop St. Anna hospital to Deurne station via Heeze, Someren, Asten.
Learn more about the stops and current schedules on the neighborhood bus website.
Train station Geldrop
At the edge of the center in Geldrop you will find the train station. Current departure times can be found on the NS website.