Independent (continued) living

If you are ill, aging or have a disability, living independently can become difficult. Yet there are many things you can do. For example, through an adjustment in your own home or an aid, such as a stair elevator. You may already be helped by someone who can help you with the housework a few hours a week.

What would you like to know more about?

Household assistance

Perhaps your health prevents you from living at home without help. You can no longer keep your house clean or you can no longer keep up with laundry, for example.
Often people close to you are willing to help. Think of your partner or children who live with you in the house. They may also be other family members, friends or neighbors. If there is no one who can help you, find a volunteer. On the website VoorelkaarinGeldrop-Mierlo you can place your request for help, people who want to give help can offer themselves here. Are you unable to find help? Then you can also contact the Center for Social Participation (CMD) by calling 040 - 289 38 99. They can assess your request. 


Do you need assistive devices to help you do housework? Ask your health insurance company for advice. Look at Vilans' Resource Guide to see what aids are available. Or check the Home care store. Do you need care aids for longer than six months? Then make an appointment with the CMD.

Call the CMD: 040 289 38 93

Report help request to municipality

You can report to the CMD with your request for help. You can do this yourself, but someone else can also do it for you. For example, a family member or caregiver. Do you have no one around you who can help you with the report? There are organizations that can support you (client support). You can contact Seniorenbelangen, MEE Zuid oost Brabant, AKJ or Zorgbelang.


The CMD client advisor will meet with you and explore what is possible. Someone else may be present at this conversation. For example, your partner or an acquaintance. But this may also be someone from the client support organization. The municipality will discuss the following with you: What can you still do yourself? What can people around you do for you? Are there municipal facilities that can solve your problem? Perhaps there are general facilities in the neighborhood that you can use. For example, a community center where you can eat together with others. Also, there are often volunteer organizations in the area that can help you.

It may be that a facility is best in your situation. Each situation is assessed individually. Sometimes this requires a medical opinion. If this is the case with you, you will be notified.

Plan of action

After the interview, a plan of action is written. Does the plan state that you need a custom service (help especially for you)? For example, help with housekeeping or sheltered housing? Then you can request this facility from the municipality. It is sometimes possible to receive a customized service in the form of a personal budget (PGB).

Own contribution

Some facilities are subject to a co-payment. You must then pay part of the costs yourself. The CAK (Central Administration Office) determines how much. The amount depends on your income and family composition.

CAK website

Help with transportation

Transportation allows you to travel from A to B, get your groceries, take your children to school or visit family or friends. Do you have difficulty traveling by yourself? Or getting around in and around your home? This can make shopping, for example, difficult. Or you may no longer be able to meet other people.

Often people close to you want to help. Think of your partner or children who live in your home. They may also be other family members, friends or neighbors. If there is no one who can help you, find a volunteer. On the website Voorelkaargeldrop-mierlo you can post your request for help. People who want to give help can offer themselves here.

Website ForelkaarinGeldropMierlo


Do you need assistive devices to move in and around your home? Ask your health insurance company for advice. Check the Resource Guide from Vilans to see what aids are available. You can borrow some health-care appliances from the home care store. Do you need care aids for more than six months? Then make an appointment with the CMD.

Call the CMD: 040 289 38 93 

Report help request to municipality

You can report to the CMD with your request for help. You can do this yourself, but someone else can also do it for you. For example, a family member or caregiver. Do you have no one around you who can help you with the report? There are organizations that can support you (client support).


The CMD client advisor will meet with you and explore what is possible. Someone else may be present at this conversation. For example, your partner or an acquaintance. But this may also be someone from the client support organization. The municipality will discuss the following with you: What can you still do yourself? What can people around you do for you? Are there municipal services that can solve your problem? You may be able to use services in the neighborhood. For example, more and more supermarkets allow you to order groceries online and have them delivered. Or consider facilities such as the grocery van, a delivery service or the regional cab.

It may be that a facility is best in your situation. Each situation is assessed individually. Sometimes this requires a medical opinion. If this is the case with you, you will be notified.

Plan of action

After the interview, a plan of action is written. Does the plan state that you need a customized facility (help especially for you)? For example, a wheelchair or a mobility scooter? Then you can request this facility from the municipality.
Bicycles such as tandems and cargo bikes or bicycles with pedal assistance are not reimbursed. These are generally used. This means that they can be bought and used by anyone (not specifically people with a disability).

Own contribution

Some facilities are subject to a co-payment. You must then pay part of the costs yourself. How much determines the CAK (Central Administration Office). The amount depends on your income and family composition. It is sometimes possible to receive a customized facility as a personal budget (PGB).

Traveling by public transportation

Want to travel on public transportation with a walker, wheelchair or mobility scooter? You can do so on most buses and trains. With a mobility scooter you may travel on the train, but not on the bus. Check your carrier's website to see what is possible.


Do you have a disability and are looking for transportation? Then you can travel with the Taxbus. An (electric) wheelchair, mobility scooter or rollator can be taken along. You do have to indicate this when you book a ride. Taxbus cannot be booked for everyone: the municipality determines whether you may use it. Taxbus is for people with a WMO-transportation indication. Read more on Taxbus' website . If you want to travel outside the region, check the website of Valys.

Disabled parking permit application or renewal

If you are disabled, you may be entitled to a disabled parking permit. You must then have had a medical examination. You drive a vehicle yourself or you depend on the driver's assistance from door to door. You cannot walk 100 meters in a row.

The Map allows you to park in disabled parking spaces. The Map is personalized. This means that only you may use the Map .

There are two types of disabled parking permits:

  • Driver's license: if you are disabled and drive your own car.
  • Passenger card: if you are disabled and do not drive a car yourself.

Handicapped parking permit renewal

If you have a disabled parking permit, it is important to renew it on time. A Wmo consultant from the CMD will contact you for this purpose.
If you renew the disabled parking permit, no inspection is required if the municipality has data showing that you are still entitled to the Map.


An application for a disabled parking card costs €44.60.
Issuing a disabled parking card costs €16.

Please note that you also pay application fees in case of rejection.
(Rates 2020)

Apply or renew

You contact the CMD for an application or renewal. There you will get the information and the application form.

Learn more

You can find more information about disabled parking tickets at Transportation or on the website of the Rijksoverheid.

Disabled parking space application

If you have a disability, you can apply for a disabled parking space. This is a parking space close to your home. You must have a car, moped or disabled vehicle. Furthermore, you do not have your own parking space (for example, a driveway or garage) and a permanent walking disability. You must also have a medical examination.

You apply for the disabled parking space at the CMD. Granting a disposition for a disabled parking space costs 105.50 euros. Modifying the license plate of a disabled parking space costs 26.60 euros (rates 2020).

For more information, see Transportation.

Custom home

Sometimes adaptations to your home are necessary to continue living there independently and safely. Do you have trouble walking and moving because of your age, illness or a disability? With a few small adjustments you can quickly make your home safer. Ask friends, family, acquaintances or neighbors to help you with this. Or ask professionals. The website Lang Zult U Wonen contains many tips. On the website Huistest you can see if your home is safe and which adjustments may be necessary.

Are many or major adjustments needed? Contact the CMD. 

Call the CMD: 040 289 38 93

Personal alarm

You want to live safely independently. Then you may want to be able to call for help quickly when needed. You may then be helped with personal alarms. This is a system to call for help in an emergency. For example, if you have fallen in the house or you suddenly do not feel well. You can alert a monitoring station day and night. You do this by pressing a button in your home or via a transmitter on your neck, wrist or belt. Or with your a cell phone.

Do you need a personal alarm? Ask your health insurance company if you will be reimbursed for part of the cost.

You can request personal alarms through home care organizations. Check Zorgkaart Nederland for all home care organizations in your area.