Surcharges and contributions

With allowances and contributions, the government helps people who cannot make ends meet. They are designed for people with low incomes. You can get financial help with costs such as rent, Health, child care and daily expenses. With the program Calculate your entitlement from the Nibud you can see which allowances and contributions you are entitled to. The program calculates whether you can get money.

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Rental allowance

Rent supplement is money from the government so you can pay your rent. You apply for this allowance at the Belastingdienst. On the website you can calculate whether you are entitled to rent subsidy. This depends, for example, on the amount of rent, your income and your age. If you have any questions, call the Tax Information Line.

Call the Tax Phone: 0800 0543

Care allowance

Everyone in the Netherlands is required to have basic health insurance. Care allowance is meant to pay for your basic health insurance. If you are entitled to care allowance, the Belastingdienst pays care allowance into your account every month. The amount is determined, among other things, by your family income, your age and whether you have health insurance. Check the Tax Office website for more information, or call the Tax Phone.

Call the Tax Phone: 0800 0543

Childcare allowance

You get this allowance from the government to help pay for child care. You can apply for childcare allowance from the tax authorities. Do this within 3 months after your child has started attending child care/preschool. If you are late, you will no longer receive childcare allowance over that period.

How high your child care benefit is depends on your income. You can find more information on all Requirements on the Tax Office website . You can also call the Tax Information Line. Look at Minimaregelingen if you want to know more about the Tegemoetkoming kinderopvangtoeslag of the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo.

Call the Tax Phone: 0800 0543

Child Benefit

Through child benefit, the government helps you each quarter (every three months) with the costs of raising and caring for your child. Think of the costs for food, clothing and pocket money. Everyone who raises and cares for a child in the Netherlands is entitled to child benefit. For child benefit, it does not matter how much you earn. You will automatically be notified by the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) a few weeks after you have registered your child with the municipality. You can find more information on the SVB website .

Child budget

The child budget is money from the government to families with children. Any family with children under 18 can apply for a child budget. You will usually be notified automatically if you are entitled to a child budget. This has to do with your family income, how many children you have and the amount of your assets. The Belastingdienst determines this with the information they have on you. You can also request a form yourself from the Tax Information Line. Or check the Tax Office website .

Call the Tax Phone: 0800 0543


The money is for the care of your child or children. You get the child budget from the first month after your child is born. The Tax Administration pays you a monthly amount. This stops in the month your child turns 18.

Municipal regulations

If you have a low income and little capital, you may be entitled to one of the income support schemes of the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo. Think of the Individual Income Supplement, Special Assistance for School Costs, Childcare Allowance or Individual Study Allowance. See Minimaregelingen for all regulations.

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