What is a climate stress test?

In fact, a climate stress test is an inventory of risk spots: this is where the biggest problems are expected to arise during extreme weather.

A stress test identifies potential vulnerabilities to climate themes within an area. At its core, the test consists of collecting and creating information that describes what effects climate change (the "stress" put on the system) may have in the future, and combining this information with collected data on the sensitivity of objects and functions to these effects.

It examines where, when, what bottlenecks may arise as a result, under a range of possible climate developments. The stress test covers both urban and rural areas. The stress test examines the vulnerability of all kinds of objects and functions in an area, but specific attention is called for vital and vulnerable functions. These are functions that are crucial for disaster management, such as the drinking water supply, and functions that cause serious damage to people, the environment or the economy in the event of a failure or disaster.

You can view the results of the climate stress test in a map viewer