Are you unemployed or about to become so? Does your contract expire, do you have to work fewer hours without wanting to, or does your employer want to fire you? This can cause you a lot of problems and stress.

Being or becoming unemployed

What can you do if you are or become unemployed? Try to find other work right away. Don't wait until the last day of work. It is easier to find another job if you are still employed. Tell people you know that you are looking for a job. Maybe they know of a job opening that would be of interest to you? There are also many job websites on which you can search. The website can also help. You will find vacancies, as well as tips on writing a good cover letter.

Are there few job openings in your profession? Then think about what kind of work you would also like to do or could do. Find out what qualifications you would need to do that. Maybe you can start retraining or retraining ahead of time.

Applying for unemployment benefits

Are you unable to find other work in time? Then you will probably have less income. You may then be able to receive unemployment benefit. WW stands for Unemployment Insurance Act. WW benefit is a temporary income. To apply for WW benefit, please visit the UWV website. There you will find the step-by-step plan WW. This will help you apply for WW. As soon as you know that you will become unemployed and you apply for WW benefit, you also have a number of obligations. You can read what these are on the UWV website .

Applying for a Social assistance benefit

Are you temporarily out of work and short of money to live on? And are you not entitled to another benefit, such as WW? Then you can apply for a Social assistance benefit from the municipality. The municipality has made arrangements with Senzer to provide this.



Senzer is a work company that implements the Participation Act for 7 municipalities, including the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo. This act regulates that everyone can participate in society. Participating in society can be done in different ways. For example by having paid work, following an education or doing voluntary work. Senzer helps you with work. Over 2,000 people work for hundreds of companies through Senzer. The aim of the Participation Act is for everyone to participate and earn as much of their own income as possible. Sometimes this does not work out. Then it is possible to receive assistance. possible. Senzer provides income support (benefits) for people on social assistance for the municipality.

Senzer and work


You would like to get started. Preferably in a job that suits your abilities and experience. Sometimes you just can't manage to find something on your own. You may have a physical or mental disability. You had a job but became unemployed. You may not have enough work experience. It could also be that you do have work, but you want another job.

Whatever the reason, Senzer assists you in finding (other) work. A regular job, an apprenticeship, volunteer work. There are many possibilities. If you want to know how Senzer can help you, check out the website.

Senzer website


Talent Center


What can you do and what do you want? You can find out in the Talent Center on the Senzer website. Here you can read how to find a job that suits you, how to prepare yourself for the job market and what you can do to further develop your talent. You will also find vacancies here.


Senzer and assistance

It is important that you get back to work (again) as soon as possible to get your own income. For the period that you are looking for work, you can apply for assistance. You will only receive assistance if you do not have enough money to live on and cannot provide sufficient income yourself quickly. The Social assistance benefit is meant to pay, for example, rent, food and clothes. Note: Benefits are meant as a temporary support. The idea is to earn your own income again as soon as possible. Senzer will help you do that.


Applying for assistance


You apply for assistance from Senzer. This can only be done online with a DigiD account. Senzer determines whether you are entitled to a Social assistance benefit and how much money you will receive. Check the website of the Rijksoverheid which Requirements you must meet exactly. Here you can also read what obligations there are if you receive a Social assistance benefit . Of course, you can also ask Senzer about this.


Assistance for the self-employed

Sometimes you can apply for assistance as a self-employed person. For example, if you want to start a business or if your business has financial problems. You can then apply for assistance under the Besluit bijstandverlening zelfstandigen(Bbz).

With a BBZ benefit, you can continue to pay your living expenses. You can also get a loan for investments in your business. For more information, contact Senzer.


Is your company in dire straits because of the Corona virus? If so, please contact Senzer. You can read the latest news about the cabinet's package of new measures for jobs and the economy on the page of the Rijksoverheid. Also on the websites of the Chamber of Commerce, MKB Nederland and VNO/NCW is a lot of information about the various schemes. For example, about the 'Emergency Fund Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid (NOW), if you (temporarily) have less work for staff due to the consequences of the Coronavirus outbreak. You can also contact the Corona Office of the Chamber of Commerce by phone at 0800-2117. This toll-free number is available on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The IOAW/IOAZ benefit.

You can also apply for these benefits at Senzer. Applications can be made online. 


IOAW means "Income provision for older and partially disabled unemployed workers." You may be able to get IOAW benefit if you were born before January 1, 1965 and became unemployed after age 50. IOAW benefit provides an income at (at least) the social assistance level, for you and your partner. Once your WW benefit has ended, you can apply for IOAW benefit. How much money you get depends on your income.


Do you stop working as an older self-employed person because you have too little income from your own business? Then you may be able to get an IOAZ. IOAZ stands for "Wet inkomensvoorziening oudere en gedeeltelijk arbeidsongeschikt gewezen zelfstandigen" (Income Support for Older and Partly Disabled Former Self-Employed Persons Act). This benefit supplements your income and that of your partner up to the social assistance level. Your income determines the level of the benefit.

More information on benefits can be found on the website of the Rijksoverheid.




If you receive IOAW or IOAZ benefits, you must follow a number of rules. For example, you must apply for a job. On the website of the Rijksoverheid You can read more about this.


Dealing with less money


 Do you have less money to spend and want to know what you can save on? Check out Saving Money for tips.


You may be entitled to benefits. You can find more information under Supplements and contributions.  

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