Participation Omgevingswet

Are you working on an initiative and need one or more permits? Then know that the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo finds it important that the environment is involved well and on time. We call this participation. The City Council of Geldrop-Mierlo has established a list of activities that deviate from the environmental plan, where participation is even mandatory. This list can be found at the bottom of the page.

Always report your initiative through the intake table to the municipality. If your initiative fits within the environmental plan, you can then start informing and involving the environment (participation). If your initiative deviates from the environmental plan, do not start the participation before the municipality has given its opinion on the desirability and overall feasibility of your initiative.

Participation is an important pillar within the Omgevingswet. Participation ensures that all interests, opinions, knowledge and creativity are directly on the table. By discussing objections, but also good ideas with each other, you can improve the initiative and increase the chances of support. 

When you submit the permit application, the municipality will ask if you have involved stakeholders. And if so, in what way and what you did with the results. You are responsible for the participation for your plan. If we feel that the interests of the surrounding area have not been sufficiently considered, the municipality may put this question back to you or decide to initiate its own (opinion) procedure. This has consequences for the permit application deadline. A well executed participation process can facilitate obtaining permission and/or an environmental permit. And it can save time. Do not wait too long with participation. For more information on participation in initiatives, please consult the Guideline (see below: documents Participation). For initiatives that are related to the Center Impulse Geldrop, also the Appendix Participation within the Center Impulse (see below: documents Participation) is applicable.

Roadmap participation

1. Report initiative to municipality, see Intake Table
2. After agreement of municipality, complete impact meter (answering questions to determine participation level)
3. Prepare for participation using the participation approach
4. Participate, including filling out signature list
5. Fill out participation logand write report
6. Application for environmental permit, including sending participation log, report and signature list.

 Do you have questions or would you like more information? Then please contact case manager environmental permits on tel (0)40 289 38 93