You can find all registered childcare facilities in the Landelijk Register Kinderopvang (LRK): a daycare center, an out-of-school care center, a guest parent agency or a guest parent. The LRK also contains the registration number you need to apply for childcare allowance. Check the website of your child's elementary school to see what out-of-school care is offered there.
Childcare allowance
Child care allowance is money from the Rijksoverheid to pay for child care. You can apply for the allowance at the Belastingdienst. Do this within 3 months after your child starts attending childcare for the first time. If you are late, you will no longer receive childcare benefit over that period. The Tax Office will pay the Child Care Supplement into your account, or directly to the child care center.
Does your child attend preschool? All toddler playgroups are also a daycare center. You can therefore get childcare allowance for these as well.
Childcare allowance from the municipality
Do you receive benefits under the Participation Act, IOAW, IOAZ or ANW and are following a pathway to work and/or education or an integration course? If so, you may receive an allowance from the municipality to cover the personal contribution. This is in addition to the childcare allowance from the tax authorities. Read more at Minimaregelingen.