A healthy lifestyle means taking good care of yourself. You feel fitter and you can avoid getting sick. If you want to live healthier, there are many things you can work on. For example, exercise more, don't smoke, don't drink too much, watch your diet and make sure you relax enough.

What do you want to know about?


Getting enough exercise is important to stay physically and mentally healthy. You maintain your bodily functions, such as the flow of your blood and your breathing. It increases your resistance; you are less likely to get sick. Getting enough exercise is good for your weight. It gives energy and you suffer less from stress.

Would you like to exercise more? Check out Activities for tips.


Smoking increases the risk of various health conditions and diseases. The more and the longer a person smokes, the greater those risks. You soon notice that your condition is much worse when you smoke. You also end up more likely to get various types of cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.

Do you want to quit smoking?

Check the website of the Trimbos Institute: www.ikstopnu.nl. The family doctor can give you tips for quitting. Does an online course suit you? On destopsite.nl you can register for a stop smoking course for free. You will do tasks that will help you to quit and to keep it up.


Most people who drink say they like it and enjoy it. Nothing wrong with that, but too much alcohol is not good. Alcohol can damage your organs and cause diseases (for example, cancer). Traffic accidents, problems at home and aggressive behavior can also be caused by alcohol. The more and more often you drink the greater the disadvantages.

Do you think you drink too much?

Check out Trimbos.com for more information. Want to drink less? Try not drinking alcohol for 30 or 40 days. You can then see what that does to you and your health. You may feel fitter, sleep better, lose weight and have better skin. The website IkPas helps you temporarily stop drinking. You can also follow an online program on the website Minderdrinken.

Can't live without alcohol anymore?

Then see your doctor or seek professional addiction help.


Your body lasts your whole life, so you want to take the best possible care of it. But how do you do that? When you eat according to the Disk of Five, you take enough of all the products that improve your health. You get all the nutrients you need to stay fit. If you don't choose products outside the Five, it's easier to maintain your weight. You have less risk of heart disease and cancer.

Tips for a healthy lifestyle can be found on the Voedingscentrum website. Test your eating habits with the Eetmeter. Also use the app Kies ik gezond. Or use the BMI-meter to see if you have a healthy weight. On the website you will also find tips for tasty and healthy cooking.

Nutrition Center website

Your weight

Are you overweight or underweight? See your doctor or a dietician. At the dietician you will get advice and explanations about sensible living, losing weight and gaining weight. You can find dieticians on Zorgkaart Nederland. Your GP can also refer you to a dietician in your area.


Having a headache once in a while is not strange, nor is being quite tired after a hard day's work. But do you have these symptoms more often? Then you may be suffering from too much tension (stress). If you do nothing about this, you can get more complaints. It takes a long time before you recover from burnout, for example. So preventing stress is important.  

Preventing stress?

Exercise regularly and get outside. Relax body and mind with swimming, yoga or tai chi, for example. Find sports clubs and activities near you in the digital municipal guide.

Are you looking for someone to exercise with? Check out the website Your Exercise buddy. The MIND website has tips for relaxation exercises, as well as therapies for stress.


Do you need more help? Talk about it with your family doctor or the company doctor if you have a lot of tension from work. For more information on how to prevent high work pressure, visit the Arboportal Web site at .