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Logo municipality of geldrop Mierlo
Logo municipality of geldrop Mierlo

Wkb and Omgevingswet

As of Jan. 1, 2024, the Omgevingswet will apply. Simultaneously with the Omgevingswet , the Building Quality Boring Act (Wkb) will also be introduced. The purpose of the Wkb is to increase construction quality. The Wkb does not immediately apply to all construction works. If you submit your intention to build to the municipality after January 1, 2024, you must take the Wkb into account.

Now the municipality tests beforehand whether your building plan meets the building regulations. From January 1, 2024, the municipality will no longer do this for low-risk structures (Consequence Class I). This is done by the quality assurance agency. You hire this one yourself. So this may mean that you apply to the municipality for a permit because of rules in the environmental plan or to deviate from the environmental plan. And that you report to the municipality because of the Wkb.

What does a quality assurance officer do?

A quality assurance contractor tests construction quality before during and after construction. 

  • Before construction: the quality assurance officer checks that the building plan meets the technical requirements, taking into account any special local conditions.
  • During construction: the quality assurance officer monitors construction.
  • After construction: if the construction complies with the rules, the quality assurance company will prepare a statement that you send to the municipality. 

The regulations concern, for example, fire safety, foundation or energy efficiency. The regulations are found, for example, in the "Building Works Decree for the Living Environment " and the environmental plan.

Which structures are covered by the Wkb?

The Wkb applies from January 1, 2024 to construction in consequence class 1. The consequence class says something about how risky a structure is. Consequence class 1 are low-risk structures. For example, ground-level homes and simple commercial buildings. It also includes houseboats, recreational homes and in industrial buildings of up to two storeys. There are also exceptions, including monuments. The Wkb does not currently apply to the conversion of existing structures. This will not apply until Jan. 1, 2025, at the earliest. Until then, conversions of existing structures will still be inspected by the municipality.

How will it be later when you (re)build?

If you are going to build, from January 1, 2024 you check through the Environment Counter what rules apply and whether you need permits. Through the Environment Desk you apply for the permit for the environmental plan activity. Then you must report to the municipality that you have a building plan. In doing so, you also indicate who your quality assurance officer is. There is a website where you can find a quality assurance agent, which is: Register | Admission Organization Quality Assurance Construction ( A full description can be found below.

Roadmap Wkb notification consequence class I

Step 1: hire a quality assurance contractor

You hire a quality assurance company yourself. You can find a list of quality assurance companies on the website Admission Organization Quality Assurance Construction.

Step 2: submit a construction notification

After you receive the environmental permit, you may not start building until you have submitted a complete notification. At least 4 weeks before construction begins, submit the construction notification through the Environment Desk:

  • Go to "Apply.
  • Under "Activities," select "Construction Activity.
  • Choose "Construction Activity (Technical) Notification.

This is also where you indicate who your quality assurance provider is. Also provide the other information requested. Is any information missing? Then you must submit a new notification. Four weeks after submitting the notification, you may start construction.

Step 3: start construction

Two days before construction begins, you report this through the Environment Counter. This is called: information duty.

Step 4: inspection by quality assurance contractor

The quality assurance officer checks before and during construction that the building regulations are met. You will receive a certificate from the quality certifier if the building meets the building regulations. Note: The municipality can also check whether the building regulations are met. It can also enforce if they are not.

Step 5: report the end of construction

One day after stopping construction, report this through the Environment Counter. This is mandatory.

Step 6: file a completion notice

You may not use the structure until you have submitted a complete notice of completion. You must do this at least 2 weeks before you intend to use the building. This can be done via the environment counter. You will need the declaration of the quality assurance officer (step 4). The municipality will indicate whether your notification of completion has been accepted or rejected.

What does it cost to hire a quality assurance contractor?

The cost of hiring a quality assurance contractor varies by quality assurance contractor. One quality assurance professional will charge a higher hourly rate than another. In addition, travel expenses may be charged. The rates of quality assurance companies are left to the market. Practice will show what the costs are.