Strengthen your digital resilience with the Unlock campaign!

Digital chat scams (techniques such as phishing and spoofing)

Buying clothes, doing your banking or applying to the municipality, you arrange it all easily online. The Internet makes our daily lives easier. At the same time, the Online Safety Monitor shows that only one in three Dutch people really feel safe online and only a quarter indicate that they have sufficient knowledge to ensure their online safety.

A collaboration of Dutch companies and organizations is joining forces to launch the nationwide "digital resilience" campaign.

We as the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo invite our residents of Geldrop-Mierlo to participate in the Unlock campaign, which is aimed at increasing digital resilience. In the coming months, new modules will be published on different themes, with which you can strengthen your knowledge and skills in the field of online safety.

Each module covers current topics relevant in this digital world. Whether you are young or old, it is important to be well prepared for the dangers of the Internet. We encourage all residents to participate to improve their digital skills. Each month we share with you a new topic and related modules.

The first module, available now, focuses on digital babble tricks. This module teaches you how to recognize when someone is trying to defraud or mislead you through digital channels (think techniques like phishing and spoofing). With practical tips and tools, we'll help you recognize suspicious situations and respond properly. Stay safe online and use this opportunity to increase your digital resilience. Keep an eye on our communication channels for the new themes and modules. Together we are working towards a safer digital environment! Search for: and start the course!