Traffic safety: what do we do and what can you do?

In recent years we have noticed that bicycle traffic is going faster and faster, that it is busy at intersections and traffic circles and that this can bring dangerous situations and even (serious) accidents. Reason for us to keep looking at safety especially on the traffic circles in our municipality.

On the traffic circles in our municipality, slow traffic has priority. This is a conscious choice and we follow national guidelines with this. This forces traffic to adjust their speed in order to give intersecting traffic the right of way. To ensure that all traffic participants can see each other coming easily, it was decided to modify the greenery on several traffic circles in our municipality. The higher vegetation, between the roadway and the bicycle lanes - this applies in particular to the Geldropseweg - will be replaced by lower vegetation, such as grass. This will ensure even better visibility of traffic participants and both motorists and cyclists will have a better overview of the traffic circle.

Reduce speed

At the same time, we make an urgent appeal to all cyclists on the traffic circles in our municipality. Cyclists have the right of way in our municipality but that does not mean that they can ride fast everywhere. Even if you are riding an electric bicycle, it is important to slow down and make eye contact with drivers coming into the same intersection or traffic circle. Have they seen you? Then you can use the priority rule. If not, stopping is the best solution!

At the same time, using a cell phone while cycling is an increasing problem in traffic. The use of your cell phone is not only prohibited but advised against for your own safety. 

Only together can we ensure safe traffic in our community!