Civicization in the Netherlands
If you come to live in the Netherlands, you must integrate. This means you must learn the language and learn how Dutch people live and work. It is also important that you know and respect Dutch society. After this, you will take an exam: the integration exam. Integration costs money. You can borrow money from Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). More information can be found on the DUO website and on Inburgeren.
Integration is usually mandatory
According to the Integration Act, newcomers to the Netherlands must pass the integration exam within 3 years. Minor children (children under the age of 18) do not have to do this.
Integration is usually mandatory if you come from a country outside Europe. But there are exceptions. Which ones are on the website of the Rijksoverheid.
Integration course and exam
If you have to integrate, you do an integration course. You choose where you want to take it. For example, you can do this at a training institute such as a regional training center (ROC).
The course concludes with an integration exam. This exam consists of the sections Knowledge of Dutch Society, Orientation to the Dutch Labor Market (ONA), Reading skills, Speaking skills, Listening skills, Writing skills and the Participation Statement. On the website Inburgeren you can read more about the exam.
You must pass your exam within 3 years. Otherwise you will not receive a permanent residence permit. Is it your own fault that you do not have an integration diploma? Then the municipality can give you a fine. In some cases you can get more time, for example if you did your best but did not pass the exam, were ill, had a child or cannot read and write properly.
State examination Dutch as a 2nd language (NT2)
Instead of the language components of the civic integration exam, you can take the state exam Dutch as a 2nd language (NT2). You will then learn Dutch at a higher level. This is useful if you want to work or study in the Netherlands. In addition to the state exam, you will also have to take the Knowledge of Dutch Society exam and the Orientation to the Dutch labor market exam. And you must sign the participation statement.
More information about the state exam Dutch as a Second Language can be found on the DUO website .
The Participation Statement
Did you have to start civic integration on or after Oct. 1, 2017? Then as part of your civic integration, you must sign the participation statement. With this, you indicate that you know what values and rules are important in the Netherlands. And that you respect them. You want to actively participate in Dutch society.
You will receive a letter from the municipality explaining the participation statement. The municipality will also keep track of whether you have signed the declaration. You must sign the declaration within 1 year of registering with the municipality. Would you like more information or would you like to apply for the participation declaration? Then contact LEVgroep Geldrop-Mierlo.
Integration self-pay
You must pay for your integration course and exam yourself. Do you have no money for this? Then you can borrow money from DUO. You can find more information about this on the website Inburgeren. For information about learning Dutch, visit the website ABC Leer mee.
If you need to integrate, you can contact DUO with questions by phone or online.