Doelstellingenakkoord 2022-2026
Building on and in a sustainable future-proof Geldrop-Mierlo!
We hereby present our Accord of Objectives. In this agreement you will find the outlines of our choices for the coming years. Outlines aimed at making Geldrop-Mierlo even better. Where people live and work in a green and attractive municipality. Geldrop-Mierlo is a pleasant and safe place to live and work, where people like to live and where there is an atmosphere that encourages people to work together to make Geldrop-Mierlo a livable municipality, a municipality buzzing with positive energy and where inhabitants tackle and solve problems together. A municipality where everyone gets the chance to be themselves, to develop and to work towards a bright future. A municipality where people meet each other and feel comfortable. The new coalition wants to continue the cooperation of the past four years with passion and new energy. Because we want to achieve the broadest possible support within the city council, we have asked for input from all groups within the council, the official organization and the mayor when drawing up this target agreement. We have incorporated the input received. Our considerations that played a role in processing the input received can be found in the appendix to this goal agreement. We can imagine that there are groups in the council that cannot support the entire agreement
agreement, but we trust that there are parts for each group that they can be convinced to support.
Collaboration, speed and decisiveness
Three things are important in our approach in the coming years: cooperation, speed and decisiveness. We are looking at long lines, our sights set on 2040. We want to tackle and act on the larger dossiers (housing, waste, accommodation policy, digitization, social domain, housing for education and data security). We are not starting from scratch. The basis is already there. In the past period, with broad support in the City Council, frameworks have been set for the development of our municipality. Developments in the physical domain such as the center impulse and the various infill projects in our municipality, but also in the social domain through the principles of the note "Personal, Close and Connected". Visions that determine the direction of our actions in the coming years. For example, by explicitly focusing on prevention in Health or by focusing on user-friendly and personal digital services. We will continue and implement the course we have set. Therefore, this agreement does not mention all policy areas. Where we want to put accents to indicate that we will put our money where our mouth is, we have described the objective for the next four years. In doing so, we have described where we want to be at the end of this council period in 2026. Based on the final goal agreement, the college will write an implementation program and present it to the council. We have therefore searched for suitable candidate aldermen for the available portfolios where continuity, expertise and diversity were the starting points. The prospective aldermen contributed to the creation of this draft objectives agreement. In the coming period, the College of Aldermen will form a team in which cooperation, transparency and joint responsibility for local but also certainly regional policy will be supported.
Roll up your sleeves and get to work
We want to get to work right away. The tasks ahead of us can no longer wait for years. Whether it concerns housing, work locations, climate or social support; the time for making new visions is over. We are going to work. Together with our residents, entrepreneurs and civil society organizations. We draw up not only a financial budget but also a capacity budget. The capacity budget shows what we want to achieve. However, we will also have to take into account for the coming years national and global developments that are uncertain. We think of the war in Ukraine, the refugees from war zones that also come to our municipality, the possibility of a new pandemic, where we have not yet incorporated the consequences of the Corona pandemic into our local society. Therefore, the solid budget with a fixed reserve is a good starting point. In view of the global developments mentioned above, we will make a mid-term evaluation of this target agreement in 2 years. Our municipality Geldrop-Mierlo has the ambition to fulfill more firmly its role as the fourth municipality in the region. We are taking steps in the field of PR to highlight the opportunities for residents, entrepreneurs and recreationists. In addition, we play a role in the Brainport region and make innovation part of our municipal policy and our position in the region.
The choice to present an outline agreement is in line with the wishes of many parties in the City Council, as became apparent during the exploration of this coalition. Naturally, we want to make it as clear as possible to our residents, entrepreneurs and partners what we will be working on in the coming years.
years to come. We are an open and modern government. We tackle issues integrally and strive for integrality in policy. Of course we do not do it alone, we work together with our residents, businesses and social partners as much as possible. In this objectives agreement we use the terms neighborhood and district. In our vision a different division of the districts and neighborhoods in both the core Geldrop and the core Mierlo is needed. Therefore, in 2022 we will reassess the division of our municipality into districts and neighborhoods.
Public order, security and enforcement
Within the cooperation with internal and external partners, the safety within our municipality is increased by the municipality acting as director in order to create the right preconditions, draw up policy and implement actions. Where possible, data-driven work is the starting point. To combat undermining, partners make use of each other's possibilities to create barriers, take measures, formulate and implement policy. In addition to the physical presence of the enforcement organization on the street (also outside office hours and also on the basis of complaints), work is being done on visibility by extending the working hours of enforcement and by using communication about activities carried out and results, through publications, campaigning and a project-based approach to minor annoyances. Networks are built through a neighborhood-oriented approach (organizing neighborhood inspections, participating in information meetings and attending neighborhood activities) which improves contact with residents and makes it clear what is going on and what lives in the neighborhood. Integral enforcement creates a positive influence on spontaneous compliance behavior, generates movement to counter negative developments and creates pro activity to prevent and end nuisance situations.
Residents, entrepreneurs, associations, social organizations and other authorities will receive a response to their questions or remarks within a reasonable or agreed period, in such a way that they experience that the municipality operates as may be expected of a modern municipality in the year 2022. If a request or suggestion cannot be complied with, a good explanation of why this is the case will always be provided, so that the resident, entrepreneur, social organization or other authority can understand why the municipality decides or acts in a certain way The municipal organization must function more like a service company. We are thinking here about how our civil service provides services to residents (callbacks, email handling, timeliness, completeness, etc.). The municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo will make agreements with residents about the service levels of their services and record these in quality charters and in service standards. Within all departments of the civil service we will think in terms of possibilities and not impossibilities. When residents, entrepreneurs, associations, social organizations submit a question to the municipality, we always look at it with the view of how we can realize or support what is asked. It is always: "yes, unless..." Should we not be able to realize or support the request, we think with the person asking how it could be done. A reassessment of our service concept can be helpful in this regard. There is continuous attention to improving the communication of the municipality with residents, entrepreneurs, associations, social organizations and other authorities, with the emphasis in this period of office on strengthening the online provision of information and the provision of information via social media in order to move with social developments.
Local accessibility will move with both the ambitions from the region (mobility transition) and the center impulse. To this end, we will draw up a local mobility program. In 2026, the local program mobility is prepared, adopted by the council and an implementation program is in progress. We will complete the regional bicycle network in our municipality in order to fulfill local and regional ambitions regarding sustainability and mobility transition as much as possible. In addition, we will remove the biggest public transport (OV) bottlenecks in Geldrop-Mierlo. In 2026, the regional bicycle network in Geldrop-Mierlo is completed and a start has been made with the local bicycle network. By 2026, the biggest public transport (OV) bottlenecks in Geldrop-Mierlo have been removed with all bus stops in Geldrop-Mierlo being accessible for the disabled. There is a bus stop at the NS station. The housing impulse requires a differentiation between long and short term parking in the center of Geldrop and a balance between parking for visitors and entrepreneurs on the one hand and residents on the other. In 2026 the updated parking policy for Geldrop-Mierlo has been drawn up and adopted by the council and the measures and parking facilities associated with the parking policy have been realized in the center of Geldrop. We will improve traffic safety in the neighborhoods by using the Sustainable Safety policy as a starting point for redesigns. Every district and neighborhood will be motivated and facilitated to achieve the traffic safety label. In 2026 the Sustainable Safety policy will have been used as the starting point for redesigns and 50% of the districts and neighborhoods will have achieved the traffic safety label.
Space and housing
In 2022, we combine public housing policies and available instruments in a "master plan for housing construction" in which we address the division into
housing types, realization of alternative forms of housing and building for specific target groups. In doing so, we have an eye for sustainability and the integration of nature in the construction of housing (nature-inclusive construction). Because the housing market is overstrained, the Housing Vision needs to be updated
so that we can focus on the right target groups and promote circulation. In 2022 we realize a monitoring system that allows the council to track housing plans. We form an official housing task force. Twice a year, the housing task force will report on the state of content and finances. To accelerate housing construction, we simplify work processes and assign the right target groups. This requires new creative thinking and closer cooperation with corporations and market parties. In 2026, based on
of the housing master plan, 500 new homes will have been realized in our municipality. If necessary and effective for housing affordability, there will be flanking land policy to mitigate the effects of sharply rising prices. When allocating new homes and social buy we give priority, maximized to the possibilities within the Housing Act and regional agreements, to residents of Geldrop-Mierlo or people with an economic link to our municipality. In this administrative period we will provide insight into the non-future-proof areas within centers, on business parks and in outlying areas. We will start with a transformation in which we will optimize the street lighting in Geldrop-Mierlo for a safe living environment. In addition, the neighborhoods will be provided with more charging facilities for cars.
Social Domain: WMO, youth care, inclusion and participation
In the social domain, prevention and own strength is the starting point. Over the next four years, the Social Domain Task Force will continue to exist and provide a financial and substantive progress report to the council every quarter. Over the next four years, the 2022-2028 imaging perspective will be followed up. In the next two years, the CMD will seek further cooperation with Health professionals in a joint care desk. An evaluation of day care options for frail elderly and people with dementia will take place in 2023. In 2024 there will be meaningful day care available for several groups of vulnerable elderly people in both the core of Geldrop and Mierlo. We will evaluate and if necessary expand the number of First Line Stay beds for the benefit of Geldrop-Mierlo residents. In youth care we will give extra attention in the coming period to small-scale prevention projects started by associations and schools such as healthy eating, more exercise. We evaluate the procurement of youth aid on a municipal and regional level. In 2026 no young person from Geldrop-Mierlo stays anymore in a closed youth care institution and Geldrop-Mierlo follows the manifesto "The forgotten child". We offer space for initiatives that prevent out-of-home placements of young people. Participation is based on the principle that everyone deserves a chance and should be able to participate in society. In 2026, 25% of the residents who have been receiving benefits for more than three years will participate in society on a long-term basis. More apprenticeships will be created in our municipality. The municipal organization Geldrop-Mierlo itself is also involved as a learning workplace. By 2026, the number of apprenticeships in our municipality will have grown by 50%. There will be an accessible and visible portal for participation in our municipality. By 2026 at the latest, this portal will have been realized. The activities and the number of participants
in the Village Learning Company are demonstrably expanded. By 2026, the activities and number of participants in the Village Learning Company will have grown by 50%.
Participation will be used to combat (the effects of) poverty. Geldrop-Mierlo will establish a local approach based on the national prevention agreement. Poverty reduction and the arrangements for special assistance and minima support fit the current situation and the current wishes of the inhabitants and society. In 2026, the evaluation shows that the target group finds the schemes adequate. Policies are developed so that more residents with an income up to 120% of the social minimum will use one or more special assistance schemes. We are also developing new policies to better Map and reach special target groups such as the low-literate, minima, family caregivers, other vulnerable people. In 2026, 60% of the inhabitants with an income up to 120% of the social minimum make use of one or previous
special assistance schemes. In 2026, 75% of welfare recipients, who apply for assistance for the first time, flow back into work within 1 year. In 2026 Geldrop-Mierlo is experienced and described by its inhabitants as an inclusive municipality. To achieve this, we further elaborate and embed the Inclusion Agenda Geldrop-Mierlo into policy. In this we pay attention to victims of corona, the people dealing with lung Covid and restarting activities for all vulnerable inhabitants still living in isolation.
During this period, the Integral Housing Plan for Education will be vigorously pursued. School buildings will be given a central function in the district and they will be put to better use by expanding activities in the buildings. In Geldrop-Mierlo we will only strive for broad schools and when (re)investing we will only invest in schools with multiple social functions. In 2026, 100% of the schools will be community schools (more than just educational functions) and 50% of the schools will have added community functions. Because there is no VMBO primary or framework education in our municipality, our children have to go to school outside the municipality for this. In order to facilitate the transition
from Primary Education (PO) to secondary education for this target group, 10-14 education can be offered for students in our municipality. An exploration of the needs and possibilities took place in 2026, and based on this an next step towards realization was determined with involved partners.
Sports and exercise
Our goal is to create facilities in Geldrop-Mierlo where as many inhabitants of Geldrop-Mierlo can exercise, sport and recreate individually or in groups. Sports and exercise are used as a means to promote health, well-being, quality of life and participation. We focus on prevention and a healthy lifestyle in which the role of community sports coaches is crucial. In 2026 we will conduct a survey among residents and score the sports facilities in the neighborhoods and in general at least an 8. Specifically for youth, we want to invest in modern outdoor sports facilities, for example a pumptrack track or additional calisthenics area or skate park for youth. By 2026, all sports facilities will be sustainable and all neighborhoods will have at least one place equipped for individual or group exercise.
Sustainability and waste
Together with residents and organizations, we work on sustainability (and transitions) where enticing goes before obliging. The municipal sustainability policy of Geldrop-Mierlo will be continued. The green policy plan will be adjusted to increase the amount of green within the built-up area. There will be more charging stations for electric cars and private initiatives in this area will be embraced. In 2026, residents give the sustainability policy and transitions a rating of at least 7.5 and the annual presentation on the progress of the policy to the council and residents shows that implementation is on track. By 2026, the amount of green space within built-up areas has increased. We aim to accelerate the sustainability of housing associations' homes. The starting point is that all housing corporations' homes have at least energy label A. In 2026, 50% of the homes of housing corporations in Geldrop-Mierlo have energy label A. Nuisance-causing companies are moved as much as possible to areas where the nuisance does not affect the living environment of our residents. Where that is not possible we keep the companies to the rules. By 2026 the number of complaints regarding nuisance caused by companies will have been reduced by 70%. To achieve the climate objectives of Geldrop-Mierlo, the percentage of residual waste in Geldrop-Mierlo will eventually be reduced to almost 0%. By waste separation DIFTAR is optimized and the proceeds of reusable raw materials benefit the inhabitants. In 2026 the percentage of residual waste in Geldrop-Mierlo is reduced to less than 75kg per inhabitant and through waste separation DIFTAR is optimized and the proceeds of reusable raw materials benefit the inhabitants through the waste fee. Geldrop-Mierlo will in principle remain part of Cure whereby Cure operates in line with the market and we will benchmark this every two years for the first time in 2023. In addition, the council and the inhabitants of Geldrop-Mierlo are satisfied with the way Cure operates. In 2026, Cure operates in line with the market and the benchmark shows this. In 2026, 75% of the inhabitants of Geldrop-Mierlo are satisfied with the way Cure operates. The aim is for the rates of waste to break even, with all variable costs in the variable rate and all fixed costs in the fixed fee. In 2026 the waste tariffs will break even with an appropriate ratio in the tariff between fixed and variable costs. We accept any financial shortfall at the Environmental Site to dampen the rate. Deficits at the Environmental Site are settled in the fixed fee. We are going to take measures to bring the rate of the environmental street more in line with the DIFTAR principle. Consideration could be given to splitting the environmental street into waste streams that generate revenue and waste streams that generate costs to the community.
Livability in our municipality will continue to be promoted bottom-up. Each neighborhood has a neighborhood development plan in the form appropriate to the neighborhood. This means that for some neighborhoods the plan is simple while for others it contains a program in multiple areas. All plans are made bottom-up with residents and not top-down from City Hall. Positive features in the neighborhoods are preserved and strengthened where possible. Negative issues in the neighborhoods are addressed. By 2026, there is a neighborhood development plan for all neighborhoods with an associated implementation program appropriate to the characteristics of the neighborhood. Is there a schedule for the implementation of the implementation programs included in the neighborhood development plans. Do residents give the bottom-up approach at least a 7.5.
Cultural expressions are made by society as a whole. We are going to promote low-threshold accessible culture for all. Low-threshold culture is as important for our municipality as the cultural expressions with the big C. The resources spent on culture and cultural activities should be put in relation to the number of inhabitants involved and the extent to which they contribute to social cohesion. We are going to revise the cultural policy. We are going to do this bottom-up by involving the residents. After all, culture is shaped by the whole of society and not by policy makers. There are currently too few cultural activities for young people in our municipality. In cooperation with young people and organizations that have experience with youth culture and have contacts with young people within our municipality, we will review the cultural policy for young people in 2023. In 2023 the cultural policy Geldrop-Mierlo is revised and there is a cultural agenda 2023-2026.
Accommodation Policy
Multifunctional use and good occupancy of accommodations is the starting point for the accommodation policy. There will be an integral plan for the accommodation of subsidized foundations and associations in our municipality linked to the accommodation subsidy. In 2026 this plan will be effected in the municipality. Sustainability of the welfare accommodations must be tackled urgently. The subsidy scheme established for this purpose must be expanded so that all associations are given the opportunity to make their accommodation more sustainable and thus save energy. Also, this scheme must be efficiently implemented so that only a small part of the budget is spent on implementation costs. In 2026 the welfare accommodations in Geldrop-Mierlo will be sustainable and the occupancy rate of welfare accommodations will be above 60% on average. Each district in Geldrop-Mierlo should have a future-proof district accommodation suitable for cultural activities, Health, social services
and neighborhood association activities for young and old, for example combined with a school or another facility already present in the neighborhood. In 2026 each district in Geldrop-Mierlo should have district accommodation suitable for cultural activities, Health, social services and district association activities for young and old, possibly combined with a school or another facility already present in the district.
As mentioned, we will make the centers of Geldrop and Mierlo optimally accessible; through (public) transport and a clear parking policy. The center of Geldrop (including the Castle area) will be transformed into a residential area. In 2026 the center will score an 8 among the inhabitants. We will continue and improve the weekly markets in the centers by giving them an impulse. In 2026 the weekly markets have more vendors and more visitors than in 2022. We are going to support innovation and entrepreneurship in our municipality. We will involve local businesses in municipal contracts as much as possible. We will establish a location policy that ensures sufficient variety in enterprises and we will attract innovative enterprises to our municipality. To this end, we will draw up a local innovation plan to attract (Brainport) innovation funds to our municipality. By 2026, innovative enterprises have established themselves within Geldrop-Mierlo and two innovation projects are operational within Geldrop-Mierlo. We are going to stimulate the 'organizational level' among entrepreneurs to be better area-oriented. And in this way we revitalize and ensure sustainable, future-proof business parks. In 2026, 50% of the business parks in Geldrop-Mierlo will be revitalized and sustainable.
Recreation and tourism
In 2026 there is a visible increase in the range of recreational facilities in our municipality. There are opportunities in a large number of areas in our municipality such as Mierlo-Oost, Smelen, Gulbergen, Gijzenrooij, Luchen, around the library in Mierlo, the castle, along the canal from Geldrop to Eindhoven and from Geldrop via Mierlo to Helmond, the Volmolenplein, part of the old location of the Strabrecht College, the Bleek and the Coevering (along the forest). The old locations of the play facilities will be set up as alternative recreational areas and more recreational facilities will be created. All this should lead to our residents giving our recreational facilities a rating of at least a 7.5 in 2026. We will promote tourism in and to our municipality by better linking the outlying areas to the cores. We increase the name recognition of Geldrop-Mierlo by promoting the pearls in our municipality. For example De Strabrechtse Heide, the weaving museum, Dierenrijk and Sang en Goorkens. In 2026 the name awareness of Geldrop-Mierlo will have increased so that the website Visit Geldrop-Mierlo will be visited twice as often as in 2022. We will strengthen village promotion by bringing in regular events such as large festivals for young people. In 2026 there will be new annual events in Geldrop-Mierlo. In addition, we want to add hospitality industry that brings more tourism to our municipality. In 2026 the number of hospitality entrepreneurs in Geldrop-Mierlo has increased.
Digitization and I&A
Digitization and I&A contribute to working more efficiently. Geldrop-Mierlo is making a transition within the municipal organization from digitalization as an element of business operations to digitalization as a core activity by drawing up a multi-year digitalization program. The municipal organization uses all modern (digital) tools that function optimally. Digital if possible, but personal if necessary. Geldrop-Mierlo arms itself against cybercrime. Geldrop-Mierlo contributes to the protection of privacy of residents and entrepreneurs and secures it within its own processes. Geldrop-Mierlo has one ICT infrastructure for the local government (Generic Digital Infrastructure). Municipal communication and services take into account the ladder of digital proficiency. The ten most frequently used services are digitally
available. Digital services have an important position in the municipality's social tasks. In at least three policy areas
data and digital services play important roles in shaping and implementing policy. In 2026, policies in three different focus areas are made and implemented on the basis of processing and analyzing (big) data. In 2026, the data we use to make policy is digitally available to residents and administration (open Data). Are the ten most frequently used services are digitally available to residents. A multi-year digitization program has been established and is in progress. In the field of I&A we have set goals in the Dommelvallei cooperation.
Within these goals Geldrop-Mierlo has priorities in the field of I&A. We maintain these priorities and will vigorously pursue them. Geldrop-Mierlo disposes of a modern technical infrastructure (for the civil service) and has a simple application landscape including a
stable and accessible data warehouse. In short; Geldrop-Mierlo has its information management in order. In 2026 Geldrop-Mierlo meets the requirements for a secure digital government and has completed at least 75% of the spearheads from the Information Policy Dommelvallei 2021-2025. In 2026 the municipal organization Geldrop-Mierlo is digitally up to date and digitization is a core activity of Geldrop-Mierlo and is translated into facilities, skills and processes.
Geldrop-Mierlo has a healthy and sound financial policy and we will keep it Sun. In the period 2022-2026 there will be no unnecessary burden increases and no general burden increases. Existing provisions will be maintained at the current (2022) level. Geldrop-Mierlo has a multi-year program budget consisting of two parts, a financial budget and a capacity budget. The multi-year program budget is structurally balanced financially and is demonstrably fully executable in terms of available capacity and lead time. The multi-year program budget makes room to translate the goal agreement into a college program that is feasible both financially and in terms of capacity. The rates for dues and fees cover costs. For other levies we apply the profit principle. The freely available reserve in 2026 is at least 10% of the General Allowance from the municipal fund. Risks for the Center Impulse Geldrop are absorbed within the resources of the center impulse. The resistance ratio of our municipality in 2026 is 2.
Appendix 1: Response to input from groups, civil service and mayor.
In this appendix we (DGG, CDA and DPM) respond to the input received in the second term from both the council groups, the official organization and the mayor. Part of the input consists of reflections and opinions. We do not respond to these, but we do respond to questions and requests for modification. As discussed earlier we describe our goal for 2026 that does not mean that parts will not be realized earlier if possible.
Collaboration, speed and decisiveness
The Samen and VVD groups commented on the larger files listed. The listing has been adjusted accordingly.
Roll up your sleeves and get to work
The VVD asks about the role of aldermen in the region. In our opinion, it should be appropriate to the regional ambition we have included in this objectives agreement. We leave further concretization to the college. PvdA asks about the visions we will be working with. This refers to the visions adopted by the council in recent years.
D66 asks about the meaning of the integrality mentioned. The mayor also comments on this. We see integrality on two axes. It means that we want to cooperate with multiple parties in different policy areas. But also that we want to work across domains and make coherent policy. D66 asks about the reason for the recalibration of the district division. We want to recalibrate because it appears that the division, particularly in Mierlo, is not yet optimal. Furthermore, D66 indicates that they miss regional cooperation and citizen participation in the objectives agreement. These topics may not be explicitly mentioned but are woven into the objectives. The mayor's response asks what is meant by open and modern governance. Here we mean transparent governance based on ownership and accountability. The mayor says he sees an ambivalence in the agreement because in this agreement objectives are written top-down while we want to work bottom-up. We do not see this ambivalence. We give direction to the policy without setting everything in concrete. We provide space for our residents to influence the direction and implementation. We assume that the board will draw up an implementation program in which resident participation is given explicit attention and position. PvdA asks on a number of points what the current score is and how this is measured. In many areas there is now no score and no measurement. Because we want to make data-based policy, a measuring instrument will have to be developed so that we can collect data on the basis of which we can make or adjust policy.
Public order, security and enforcement
Comments are made about priorities and objectives. We present here the main line of policy and assume that this will be specified by the college in the implementation program. Comments are made about the deployment of BOAs outside office hours in
relation to staffing levels. We are aware that this objective may lead to an increase in enforcement capacity.
The VVD asks that it be made clear that thinking in terms of possibilities applies throughout the civil service. The text has been adjusted accordingly. D66 talks about the human touch in digital services. This is included in the agreement. Digital where possible and physical where necessary. The reassessment of the municipal service concept mentioned by the mayor certainly seems helpful to us.
The VVD and D66 indicate that A67 and Eeneind-West are missing from the objectives agreement. These parts are not included because, as indicated in the introduction, we are continuing the council's existing policy here. This means that we would like to see the A67 addressed as soon as possible and that the planned distribution centers on Eeneind will not be built. If they do get built then we should take traffic measures to prevent large flows of traffic from passing through our municipality. The official organization indicates that programs will be worked with under the omgevingswet. The Mobility program may be one of them. This contains the further elaboration of the policy as it used to be in a local accessibility agenda. The program then guides the implementation of policies. In response, we have adopted this terminology in the goals agreement. The official organization indicates that there are several ambitions in the environmental vision to strengthen the bicycle infrastructure. This implies the realization of bicycle routes within neighborhoods, between neighborhoods and to the centers, as well as connecting to the regional bicycle infrastructure. This cannot all be accomplished in four years. In the target agreement we did not mean the complete bicycle network therefore we added that it concerns the regional bicycle network and that we want to make a start with the local bicycle network. From the official organization it is indicated that a previous regional study showed that the station Geldrop has its own transport market. These public transport passengers appear to be hardly or not willing to make that switch from bus to train. Bus passengers travel by bus to the station in Eindhoven. The most important means of transport for a suburban station like Geldrop is and remains the bicycle. In our opinion, these earlier studies are no longer fully valid. The situation around the station is going to change dramatically with the arrival of the apartments of plan de Jonkvrouw. These apartments are intended for the target group of elderly people who often rely on public transport and this will increase the demand for public transport in this area. A bus stop at the station is therefore needed. We see that the VVD, D66 and Together also support this position. Regarding the proposals for the partial scooters of the VVD, we believe that this can be included in the implementation program. From the official organization the question has been asked how the traffic safety label per district will be made measurable. We assume that this objective will be further elaborated in the implementation program.
Space and housing
Comments were made by several parties on affordability, target groups, building for seniors and Health structures. These points will return in the master plan for housing to be drawn up. Samen indicates that as far as they are concerned, the number of 500 homes should be added to the number of homes on top of the housing impulse. The housing impulse runs longer than this administrative period, therefore we state that in 2026 at least 500 homes will be added, both through projects of the housing impulse and outside of it. Comments are made about the flanking land policy. We want to use this policy when necessary and effective for housing affordability. We have adjusted this in the objectives agreement. Comments are made about the allocation of housing to own residents in relation to the regional agreements. Therefore, the regional agreements have been added here as a precondition. PvdA proposes to draw up hard rules with the housing associations to
limit the sale of social rental housing. Agreements on this are already included in the performance agreements with the housing associations. Hardly any social housing is being sold and we want to keep it that way.
Social Domain: WMO, youth care, inclusion and participation
The civil service organization has indicated that it is advisable to keep an eye on various objectives in the social domain that may be at odds with the task force mission as established in the previous council period. We are therefore in full agreement with the advice to update the task force assignment in the social domain on the basis of this target agreement, where we add value on balance in terms of content and remain financially balanced.
D66 suggests that as a municipality we should join the PRECIES project and not limit ourselves to only seeking cooperation in a joint care counter. We agree with D66. The municipality already participates in the PRECIES project and we want to continue this. Because the impression was created that we would want to introduce only one part of PRECIES, we have removed the reference in the objectives agreement. Together indicates that the starting point should be that the elderly can go to day care in their own village. That is included in the objectives agreement. According to D66, the central question should be what the right interventions should be to ensure that residents can continue to live independently for as long as possible. We subscribe to that view and day care in one's own core is part of that.
Youth Care
The VVD proposes to make a small adjustment regarding the goal that in 2026 no young person from Geldrop-Mierlo will stay unnecessarily in a closed youth care institution. We have not adopted this addition because we believe that alternatives must be found as we indicated in our agreement on objectives. At the request of Samen we have added that we offer space for initiatives that prevent out-of-home placements of young people.
In inclusion, this agreement calls attention to covid patients. The Together group suggests that a complete list of target groups be included here or that one example be removed. Because we are continuing existing policies (including inclusion policies), this includes the target groups. We also draw attention to covid patients because this is a new target group not yet included in this policy.
Labor market participation
The civil service recommends that an objective be included here that says something about the effort to help welfare recipients who apply for assistance for the first time and are able to return to work within 1 year. We have included this objective. PvdA asks questions about the growth of village apprenticeship activities. The agreement states that we aim for 50% growth in the number of activities and participants. The official organization indicates that the objective that 75% of residents with an income up to 120% of the social minimum use one or more special assistance schemes is not realistic. Therefore, we have adjusted the percentage to 60%. PvdA proposes to raise the percentage to 130% of the social minimum. We do not support this.
Various parties indicate priorities with regard to the implementation of the IHP. These do not form part of this agreement on objectives, but they do indicate that the IHP will be taken up with momentum. We agree with Samen and the civil service organization that as a municipality we do not have direct control over school buildings and that we must entice the school boards to make broader social use of the building. We think the suggestion to involve the schools within an area-oriented approach in neighborhoods and districts is a good approach. Comments have been made from various quarters about the necessity and feasibility of 10-14 education. On this basis, the objective has been adjusted.
Sports and exercise
As far as D66 is concerned, this is a good paragraph to which they would like to see added the importance of increasing sports participation, especially among young people. We agree that young people deserve extra attention in this regard. Therefore, it is also included that we want to invest in modern outdoor sports facilities for youth. In addition, this can get a place in the implementation program as well as involving the Youth Council and keeping sports facilities affordable.
Sustainability and waste
PvdA suggests changing the title of this paragraph to "sustainability and reusability." We feel this does not quite cover the load. The current title more sharply indicates what the paragraph is about. Comments are made about the lack of the RES. We indicate in the introduction that we are continuing current policies. This includes the RES, which is why it is not explicitly mentioned here. The advice of the official organization is to include a more general objective in line with the ambitions in the outline environmental vision about connecting green structures between neighborhoods and between neighborhoods and the centers. This is because the proposed increase in the percentage of green space in the
built-up area could hinder housing developments. Our goal is to make our municipality greener and this is only possible if the percentage of
greenery and biodiversity in the municipality increases. In order to meet the objections raised by the civil service, we have
removed the percentage but left the objective in place. We assume that the board will be able to indicate in its implementation program what percentage of green space will have increased by 2026. On the advice of the official organization, the objective with regard to the energy label of the homes of housing corporations has been adjusted to 50% energy label A. We agree with D66 that it is not only about these homes but also about the other homes in our municipality. That is part of the existing policy. The advice of the official organization is to align the benchmark for Cure with the cycle of the council and thus keep it every 4 years. We do not adopt this advice we will stay with the benchmark in 2023 and 2025.
The official organization endorses the ambition to preserve and strengthen positive characteristics of neighborhoods and address negative issues. However, it is advised not to include the manner in which this is done in this way in the objectives agreement. The desire for a neighborhood development plan for each neighborhood does not say in content how this plan will be created. However, we do want a bottom-up approach. The plan must fit
to the neighborhood and so should the manner in which it is created. There are neighborhoods that need an intensive long-term task-oriented process with many stakeholders while there may be others that arrive at a plan through a more straightforward method. We expect a plan of action in the college's implementation program based on the objective.
Several comments are made about culture in general. In this objectives agreement, we set accents for the coming period, and therefore existing policies are reviewed. There are currently too few cultural activities for young people in our municipality. This is where youth work can improve.
Accommodation Policy
The official organization indicates that an occupancy rate of 60% is not feasible for all buildings and that a customized ambition per accommodation would offer a sharp and realistic perspective. We understand the reasoning and have therefore adjusted the target to an average of 60%. There will be buildings that score better and those that score less but the target number for us remains 60% on average. The VVD talks about commercial functions in welfare accommodations. Although commercial functions can have advantages both for occupancy and financially, in our view welfare accommodations are intended for welfare activities and commercial parties can be housed elsewhere. We are well aware that the goal of having a future-proof community accommodation in every district in Geldrop-Mierlo by 2026 requires the goodwill of our (social) partners. We agree with Samen that the size and implementation of the community accommodation will have to match the demand from the neighborhood. But given the social tasks in the field of living longer at home, Health and social support, it is important that this community accommodation is available in every district close by and easily accessible.
VVD's idea of growing the advertising tax is more a point for the implementation program and if it proves to have an incentive effect it could be one of the measures to attract entrepreneurs to our centers. D66 asks why an impetus is being given to the weekly markets since it was recently chosen to further privatize them. We want to achieve with this objective that the weekly markets are developed as part of attractive centers. We will discuss this with the market manager as the official organization indicates. The official organization advises not to include the specific objective of having at least four innovative companies established within Geldrop-Mierlo by 2026, as there is a high risk that this cannot be achieved despite efforts, lobbying and acquisition. We follow this advice in the sense that we have taken the number out of the agreement but expect that the college will indicate in the implementation program what is considered possible. D66 asks if it is also the intention to make housing on the industrial estates possible again. Here we maintain the existing policy. VVD indicates that the terms innovative projects and degree of organization are not clear. By innovative projects we mean projects around an innovation. This can be a technical, a digital or a social innovation. By the degree of organization we mean the number of entrepreneurs who are members of a business association such as a business park association.
Recreation and tourism
When it comes to areas where there are opportunities for recreation and tourism, the PvdA indicates that Het Sang should not be developed further. We want to indicate that this is a list where we see opportunities. That does not mean that anything is actually possible. Further study will have to show that. Samen would like to add the Bleek to the list we have responded to that. With regard to bringing new events to our municipality, the official organization advises to formulate the objective in a more general way because it takes several years to bring in such events and we only have limited possibilities. We have heeded this advice. Regarding the new catering establishments, the D66 asks why 15% expansion has been chosen. It is stated from the official organization that in this time of large personnel shortages in the hospitality industry it will not be easy to attract a number of new hospitality businesses. In our opinion, growth in the number of hospitality businesses is necessary to increase tourism and recreation in our municipality. Not only for people from outside but also for our own residents. Given the comments from the official organization, we have made the objective more general.
Digitization and I&A
D66 would like to add to the agreement that digitization and I&A should contribute to working more efficiently. We have adopted this premise. Based on a number of arguments, the official organization advises to reformulate goal-setting to: "In 2026, data, which we use for making policy, is digitally available to residents and administration (open data)." we accept this suggestion. The official organization indicates that a stable and accessible data warehouse is only one part of the application landscape needed for good information management. Highlighting the data warehouse suggests a larger role. The suggestion, therefore, is to omit it from this objective. Here we partially agree, a nuance is in order but removing it entirely goes too far. The objective has been adjusted accordingly.
PvdA indicates that in the budget we must take into account the effects of the recalibration of the municipal fund, which takes effect from 2026. The recalibration of the municipal fund will certainly be a focus of the college's implementation program. The civil servants indicate that the first steps have been taken towards a budget including a capacity estimate, but practice shows that it is important to be more concrete in determining policy in terms of what needs to be realized when (smart), so that a realistic planning of the time needed can be made. An improvement in quality is needed here. We assume that this quality improvement will be made in the coming year.