Damocles policy

The municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo considers a safe and healthy living and working environment important. Therefore, the mayor acts against drug crime.

Public order and security

The municipality regularly encounters homes and premises where narcotics (hard and soft drugs) are sold, delivered, dispensed or present. This poses a danger to public order, security and public health. The production and trade of drugs are often in the hands of criminals and it attracts criminals. There are other risks as well; often electricity is tapped illegally and unprofessionally. This increases the likelihood of fire and/or explosion.

Closure of premises

Violators of the Opium Act can face severe penalties, for example, a fine, imprisonment, deprivation of proceeds, collection or cessation of benefits and/or after-tax utility bills. In addition, the mayor may proceed to close a premises for a minimum of 3 months to indefinitely. During this period, no one may enter the premises. This applies to houses for sale, rental properties, businesses and premises open to the public (for example, a café or canteen).

Together against drug crime

Tackling drug crime is not just a matter for the municipality and the judiciary. The vigilance of residents is also important.

Recognize the signs

  • Activities in and around the property at odd hours
  • (Construction) work: installing/replacing electricity and installing extraction systems and additional insulation
  • Taped-off windows and doors or curtains that are always closed
  • (Closed) shutters for which there is no logical reason
  • Grilles in notable places on the facade or roof
  • Property makes an abandoned impression (there is almost never anyone there or very briefly at a fixed time)
  • Odor and/or odor nuisance
  • Flooding or moisture problems
  • Condensation on the windows
  • Artificial light (glow from bright lamps) and/or light in a room that stays on all the time
  • Installation of cameras or security at vacant properties
  • Buzzing or whirring noise (from fans)
  • Illegal tapping of electricity, outside the meter

Where to report?

If you suspect drug crime, you can report it to the police at 0900-8844.
If you know the perpetrator and the perpetrator also knows you, making a report is not so easy. In that case, call Report Crime Anonymously at 0800-7000 or visit www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

Learn more

Read the 'Beleidsregel bestuurlijke handhaving art.13b Opiumwet 2020 (pdf, 779 kB)' here. Would you like more information about the municipality's Damocles policy? Please contact the Quality of Life and Safety team. They can be reached at telephone number 040 289 38 93.

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