More and more people are experiencing financial problems. Problems they often can't get out of on their own. Do you have financial problems that you do not want to make bigger? Then seek help from Budget Buddy Geldrop-Mierlo.
What is a Budget Buddy?
A Budget Mate is a volunteer who can help you with your financial problems. This way you can prevent debts. If you find it difficult to keep your records, a BudgetMaatje can help you with that. For example, by organizing your administration or listing all your income and expenses. By making a plan together with you on how to be more economical with your money. A Budget Buddy can help you fill out forms for debt relief and municipal regulations. Or guide you when you enter debt assistance. After debt assistance you can turn to a Budget Buddy. Together you can ensure that you do not get into debt again.
Money worries?
Geldfit.nl helps residents of Geldrop-Mierlo. For more information, visit worries about money.