Forest maintenance in full swing!
Working together to create a sustainable recreational forest
In our municipality, we are currently busy maintaining our forests with the goal of creating a sustainable and healthy recreational forest. This project is a joint effort of the municipality with Bosgroep zuid to improve our natural environment and make it more attractive for everyone.
Logging for variety
Our current forests consist mainly of monotonous production forests with conifers of the same age. To achieve a diverse and sustainable recreational forest, variation in species and ages of trees is essential. Therefore, we are removing some of the current conifers and planting new deciduous trees where necessary. This may temporarily make parts of the forest less accessible, but this is a necessary step towards a healthier forest.
Restoration of trails
The wood left in the forest is carefully placed on rills, sparing recreational trails. There are many informal trails in part of the forest, which are not shown on Maps and are sometimes even naturally closed to protect sensitive areas. The wood left behind is crucial to the restoration of the forest floor because it contains necessary minerals and nutrients.
Careful approach
Our contractor works very carefully and with respect for nature. Prior to the work, an extensive flora and fauna scan was carried out, with sensitive areas clearly marked. By working according to the code of conduct, we minimize the chance of damage to nature.
Together we are committed to a sustainable and healthy recreational forest for all to enjoy!