File municipal tax objection
From now on you can go to for all assessments from 2024 onwards. Belastingsamenwerking Oost-Brabant will from now on take over all matters concerning municipal taxes.
What is it?
It may happen that you disagree with the assessment of municipal taxes. You can then submit a notice of objection within six weeks of the announcement of the assessment.
Do you want to object to a decision other than municipal taxes? Then read on at filing an objection.
During the objection procedure, the assessment remains in effect. Your objection to municipal taxes does not mean that you do not have to pay.
Objections to assessments imposed by the Municipality of 2023 and before must be filed with the Municipality. Objections to assessments filed by BSOB must be filed with BSOB.
How does it work?
Arrange online
Submit written objection
Send your objection letter to:
Belastingsamenwerking Oost-Brabant (BSOB)
Postbus 154
5340 AD Oss
What should be in the objection?
- your name and address;
- The date you write the objection;
- A description of the assessment you wish to object to or a copy of the assessment to which the objection is directed;
- the reason you are objecting;
- your signature. You must sign your objection.
- If you have written the objection in a foreign language and a Dutch translation is necessary for proper handling, you must provide the translation yourself.
- You can file an objection on behalf of someone else. You will need an authorization from this person.
How long does it take?
You must file an objection within 6 weeks after the assessment with which you disagree was made. This is the statutory objection period.
If your objection arrives late, it will not be considered. Your objection will then be declared inadmissible. An objection is considered to have been filed in time if it is received before the end of the deadline. If you send it by mail, it has been submitted on time if it was posted before the end of the deadline and received no later than one week after the deadline. If you are late, you can claim excusable delay if you were not reasonably able to object or appeal in time.
A different decision period applies to tax cases. The deadline depends on when you file your objection. In general, the decision on the objection must be made within the calendar year in which you file your objection. However, if you file an objection in the last six weeks of the calendar year, the decision on the objection will follow within six weeks of receiving your objection.
There is no independent hearing committee for tax cases. If you nevertheless need a hearing, you can indicate this in your appeal.
Additional information
View and compare local charges with the 'Coelo local charges calculator'