Decision list Jan. 14, 2025


Mr. J.C.J. van Bree, mayor, Mr. F.J.M.C. Stravers, Alderman, Mr. J.A.T.M. van de Laar, Alderman, Mr. P.J. Looijmans, Alderman, Mr. G.J.A.H. van Gestel, Alderman, Ms. N. van der Werf, minutes secretary


Ms. M.J. Sanders - de Jonge, Alderman, Mr. N.J.H. Scheltens, town clerk



Decision list public college meeting dated Jan. 7, 2025

The decision list of the January 7, 2025 public college meeting is adopted as presented.



Cover sheet college proposal Beethoven funds cie space Feb. 3

In the 'Covenant Rijk en regio investeringen in ondernemingsklimaat microchipsector' it was agreed to accommodate growth in the Brainport region. In the line 'Accelerate housing construction' of this so-called Beethoven deal, the goal is described to bring forward the planned number of 17,000 houses in the period 2031 - 2040 in this region. Funds are also being made available for this purpose, by the state, private sector and region. It is now expected that municipalities can apply for financial support on July 1, 2025. In this way the Beethoven Fund offers Geldrop-Mierlo the opportunity to bring closer its ambitions to realize sufficient suitable and affordable housing for all target groups. Also, the Beethoven Fund creates opportunities to achieve integral area developments. We would like to give the City Council a more detailed explanation of the Beethoven Funds Acceleration of Housing Construction and the opportunities this offers for Geldrop-Mierlo. In doing so, we will also go into the process of arriving at a required proposition, the way in which the housing corporations will be involved and, of course, the city council will be put in position. In our explanation we will also inform the council about how this trajectory relates to the Brainportdeal 2030 (BO-MIRT November 2022) and the Beethovendeal 2024, in order to give the council a complete picture of the regional developments and the agreements already made there, which of course also have a local impact.

The College decides:
1. To approve the attached memo.
2. To forward the attached memo with agenda request to the Space Committee.



Deployment of Bridge Officer

The Rijksoverheid has established a subsidy scheme to which school boards that meet the specified Requirements can apply. Elementary school De Rots and De Vlinder meet these Requirements and have since received an award. The two elementary school have requested the municipality to fill this position. This has since been concretized. We would like to inform the municipality about this development. The municipality will receive the grant funds received by the school for this purpose.

The college decides to send the attached Council Information Letter on the deployment of a Bridge Officer to the City Council of Geldrop-Mierlo.



Advisory note GR formation 10 for Youth

This council information letter informs the city council of the developments surrounding the GR formation of the youth aid region a 10 for Youth.

The college decides to agree to send the attached council information letter to the council.



Advisory note extending temporary rental spaces Beneden Beekloop 92

Since March 2023 and May 2023, respectively, childcare center Potje Knor (hereinafter "Potje Knor") and the neighborhood association Hulst-Skandia (hereinafter "the Neighborhood Association") have been making temporary use of the spaces in the building at Beneden Beekloop 92 in Geldrop until the completion of the temporary housing. The temporary use is laid down in a fixed-term rental agreement which expires on December 31, 2024.

The college decides to agree to a new temporary lease agreement for both the neighborhood association and Potje Knor for the location Beneden Beekloop 92 in Geldrop with effective date January 1, 2025 through July 31, 2025.



Advisory note Leasing property Molenstraat 19-23 Geldrop

De Wiele and The Weaving Museum had been subletting the spaces of (then) Hofdael since 2018, while Hofdael had had a lease agreement with the municipality since Oct. 1, 2016. The desire is to separate the three entities and that all three enter into a lease agreement with us as the municipality. "The cube" will be the space that the Weeffabriek will rent and in the national monument part of the building, De Wiele and The Weaving Museum will each rent their space.

The college decides:
1. To approve the rental agreements for the Weeffabriek, De Wiele and Weaving Museum with an effective date of January 1, 2024 for the location Molenstraat 19-23 in Geldrop.
2. To agree to the allonge regarding the responsibilities and coordination of the technical manager.



Board Proposal Framework Memorandum 2026 GGD Brabant-Zuidoost

The Framework Memorandum of the GGD Brabant-Zuidoost is the prelude to the draft 2026 budget that will be presented to all municipalities in March 2025. The Framework Memorandum provides insight into the mission and tasks of the GGD and the challenges it sees in the coming years in the field of public and acute health care. In addition, it provides a multi-year financial outlook without prejudging possible cuts at this time. Until September 2025 there is a process of reorientation of the GGD tasks with a view to the scaling up of the Brainport region and the cuts that municipalities and the GGD have to take into account from 2026. During this process, the colleges and city councils of all 21 municipalities in Southeast Brabant are also invited to participate. This will then result in an implementation plan, including financial consequences, which together with a budget amendment 2026 will be submitted separately to all municipal councils.

The College decides to take note of the 2026 Framework Memorandum of the GGD Brabant-Zuidoost and agree to forward it to the City Council.



Invitations, to be discussed in B&W meeting dated Jan. 14, 2025

The invitations are accepted for consideration.



Overview of representation as of Jan. 14, 2025

The overview representative is noted.